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A Warmachine Hungers

The owls have set free the Void Worm that lay in stasis beneath the Starchildren excavation, and must now go to face it. They must aid Elirdain in finding weapons and assets useful in the coming struggle and pray that Earthquake doesn't take too keen of an interest in their conflict.



Defeating the Void Worm



The Githzherai Zerth Elirdain
The githzherai zerth has been waiting for a week for a chance to strike at the Excavation site, and its destruction came as a surprise to him. Elirdain is one of the few, perhaps the only one as far as he knows, githzherai who has succsesfully passed through the imperial blockade in the south. He came to this excavation where he knows there is medical equipment for Githzherai. His travels so far has also seen him through a few other starchildren bases. While he was originally supposed to aid akshusian rebels, he has realized that the Church of the Starchildren are the greater threat, as they must work for the Starchildren. As a githzherai he has a duty to protect Akshus from invaders, but his duty to protect Akshus from astral species comes first. He does not wish to see the akshusians become bound by psionic might again.
When the Purple Worm was released Elirdain saw an owl he recognized and realized that the starchildren base had been attacked. When the purple worm exploded through the rubble, he knew that he had to kill it to honour the First Oath. A creature like that could not be allowed to prey on akshusians for a moment longer than needed. He travelled to seek out those who had vanquished the starchildren and recruit their help in the fight against the worm, as he would not be able do to it himself. He wishes to go to the ruined mesa in the hopes that some equipment of the githzherai's has survived. When the hunt is over he wishes to return to his fight against the starchildren.
Theowulf and the Witchhunters
Theowulf took the Owls to aid him in fighting the starchildren, and they were very effective. They killed the starchildren but released a terrible monster. Theowulf must now take his witchhunters, the Owls and hunt it. He also wishes to speak with the Knife and figure out where she got her arm and cyborgs.


The Starchildren Survivors
Only a few of the starchildren survived the attack of the Worm-creature, and these have made a small safe haven for themselves within what remains of the mesa. They are led by a Trooper who calls herself Gabriella Eamil. This group consists of ten Akshusian Tribesmen and three Starchildren Troopers. They are considering what to do with their fortunes so reversed. They are planning on travelling north and abandoning the Church of the Starchildren. Gabriella knows where her own tribe is, and she hopes she can join them and use some of their illithid equipment to aid them in retaking the Hightop Mines, as she joined the Starchildren when she felt the Gold Empire betrayed her tribe and gave the Hightops to the elves. They would prefer not to fight the Owls and witchhunters as they know their reputation, but they will fight to the death if they must fight as they know what the witchhunters are likely to do to them.
There are also a couple of wounded starchildren, with broken limbs and ribs. Four akshusian tribesmen and one Knife Disciple. These are awake but unable to fight. Gabriella wants help treating them if any can be given.



The ruined facility
The mesa has exploded, showering the camp in stone and blasting it to the ground. Some parts of the mesa still stands, and the starchildren who yet live have sought refuge within the ruins. The tents of the camp have been trampled and destroyed, but there are signs of scavenging where a few tents and some food has been moved. Most of the camp has been destroyed, and the starchildren have moved the rocks into great piles to more readily protect themselves. Gabriela keeps watch from the top of these piles, staring into the desert to keep an eye out for enemies.


Forberedelse til Purple Worm fight: -lage Elirdain   The battle   Regler til kampen: The Void Worm is divided into five segments: 1 Head segment, 20x20 feet. This has AC 18 and 200 HP. Destroying the head stops the Void Worm from biting, shooting tendrils and swallowing, forcing it to use its slam attacks. Any creatures in the head segment when it gets destroyed take 4d10 bludgeoning damage and are then ejected. 2 "Torso", 20x20 feet. This has AC 17 and 150 HP. Destroying the torso stops the Void Worm from shooting tendrils, and any creatures in the torso when it is destroyed take 3d10 bludgeoning damage and are then ejected. Any creatures subsequently in the torso take no damage from being swallowed at the start of their turn and can attempt a DC 10 athletics or acrobatics check to escape through gashes in the Void Worm. 3 "Midriff", 20x20 feet. This has AC 16 and 100 HP. Destroying the midriff stops the Void Worm from moving on initiative count 20. Any creatures in the midriff when it is destroyed take 2d10 bludgeoning damage and are then ejected. Any creatures subsequently in the midriff take no damage from being swallowed at the start of their turn and can attempt a DC 10 athletics or acrobatics check to escape through gashes in the Void Worm. 4 "Midriff 2", 20x20 feet. This has AC 16 and 100 HP. Destroying midriff 2 stops the Void Worm from moving on initiative count 15. Any creatures in midriff 2 when it is destroyed take 2d10 bludgeoning damage and are then ejected. Any creatures subsequently in midriff take no damage from being swallowed at the start of their turn and can attempt a DC 10 athletics or acrobatics check to escape through gashes in the Void Worm. 5 "Tail", a pyramid 20x20 feet. This has AC 17 and 150 HP. Destroying the tail stops the Void Worm from moving on initiative count 10 and any creatures in the tail when it is destroyed take 3d10 bludgeoning damage and are then ejected. Any creatures subsequently in the tail take no damage from being swallowed at the start of their turn and can attempt a DC 10 athletics or acrobatics check to escape through gashes in the Void Worm.   Void wormen nytter tremorsense for å merke folk som går på bakken og vibrasjoner i luften. Om nokon står veldig i ro kan dei bli essensielt usynlege for den.   Three of five segments must be destroyed for the Void Worm to die. From the inside it only has AC 14 in every segment.   På initiative Count 20, 15, 10 og 5 beveg Void Wormen seg 20 feet. Alle som kjem i dens veg då må ta ein DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw. A creature that succeeds this saving throw takes 3d6 slashing damage, while a creature that fails takes 8d6 slashing damage and is swallowed by the Void Worm. A creature that is swallowed by the Void Worm takes 6d6 piercing damage at the start of its turn and is restrained and blinded. If the Worm takes 30 damage on a turn from a creature inside it, it must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or regurgitate all creatures it has swallowed. Each turn a creature is in the worm, it moves one segment further away from the mouth, doing damage to that segment.   After four initiative counts in which it has remained underground, the Void Worm can do one of the following on initiative count 20: -Burst 40 feet into the air from the ground, forcing any creatures in a circle in a 10-foot radius to make a DC 18 Dexterity Saving throw. A creature that succeeds this saving throw takes 3d6 slashing damage, while a creature that fails takes 8d6 slashing damage and is swallowed by the Void Worm. Any creatures 20 feet further out from the worm must make a DC 15 Strength Saving throw or be knocked prone. The Worm will slam back down into the ground within 30 feet of its origin point on initiative count 10, forcing any creatures in a circle in a 10-foot radius to make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving throw. A creature that succeeds this saving throw takes 3d6 slashing damage, while a creature that fails takes 8d6 slashing damage and is swallowed by the Void Worm. On initiative count 0 the Worm returns underground. Instead of trying to bite any such creatures it can instead slam its body down. Any creatures in a 40 foot line 20 feet wide must succeed on a DC 15 Dex saving throw or take 4d10 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 piercing damage (this is late-phase battle).   If the Void Worm's head has been above ground for two initiative counts, it can fire tendrils at an enemy it can see. The tendrils have a reach of 120 feet and have a +9 to hit. On a hit it deals 3d6+9 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 18 Strength Saving Throw or be grappled as the tendrils wrap around it. The worm can, on initative count 20, 15, 10 and 5 choose to move the grappled creature 20 feet closer to its mouth. If the creature is large or smaller and ends up in the Void Worm's mouth it must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity Saving throw or be swallowed by the Worm.   If the Void Worm's last two segments are above ground for two initiative counts, it can lash out with the tail. It moves its tail 90 degrees, causing any creatures in a 40-foot cone to take a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Those who succeed can choose go prone and take 3d8 bludgeoning damage, while those who fail are not given this option and take 8d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.   If the Void Worm is kept from moving it can attempt its bite attack every two initiative counts, provided it doesn't move. It can attempt to escape the grapple, restrained or paralyzzed conditions every initiative count.   Elirdain kan nokre ting om korleis ein bør slåss mot ein orm: -Å skade hodet vil gjere at den ikkje kan bite og skyte ut tendrils, men det er det mest armerte delen -Å skade bakenden vil få den til å bevege seg treigare og dei er minst armerte, så det er kanskje det beste forslaget, men ein må gjere ein del skade til forskjellege deler,   Eg må tenke litt over korleis denne fighten reint praktisk skal gå. Elirdain merker når dei verste tinga heldt på å skje under bakken og ein kan sjå Void Wormen bevege seg under bakken, ihvertfall delvis.
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