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(a.k.a. the Old Wolf, the Laughing Wolf, Altse Hashke, Father of Werewolves, the Fanged Father of Jesters)

Altsehash, the Laughing Wolf, is a powerful and ancient fey spirit with his own mysterious motives in the eternal elemental struggle. According to his followers, he is a free spirit fighting for the freedom of all living beings, while to his enemies he is a dangerous megalomaniac with a tyrannic bent of his own. He has occasionally aligned himself with the Grey Order, but he just as often presents himself as a foe. Either way he is not to be trusted even when he presents a friendly visage, for behind his smile hide teeth that have wounded gods.
This report is written by adepts of the Grey Order and contains some of the knowledge of our institution regarding the Laughing Wolf. The lore presented here is presented with the consent of the Council of Maeril, and some information has been withheld for the safety of the reader and the world at large, so that Altsehash doesn't know the extent of the order's knowledge about him.

Divine Domains

Trickery, the Hunt

Physical Description

Body Features

Mortal form
In his mortal form Altsehash resembles a tall Wood Elf (Wood Elves), normally preferring to wear a classy green suit that makes him look like a businessman. The only things that make him stand out are his pointed teeth, giving him a wolfish grin, his yellow eyes and particularly long gray hair.
Hybrid form
In his hybrid form, Altsehash grows long cruel claws and teeth for ripping out throats. He takes on an even more wolfish appearance, looking more like one of his werewolf children than a wood elf.
True form
Altsehash's true form is that of a giant wolf.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Old Wolf is an ancient and pure elemental spirit, born from the dreams of Crann Domhanda in the time before the First War. He is a representation of the idea of the patient hunter, a creature that plans meticulously, stalks its prey and inspires fear. We know that he fought in the First War, as there are numerous references to the "wolves of night" tearing into the flesh of any invaders of the ancient forrests. It is believed that the curse of lycanthropy originated from this time, as Altsehash recruited mortals to aid him in his fight and gave them some of his strength.
Following the First War, when Crann Domhanda went into its great slumber, no one really knows what happened to Altsehash. As one of the greatest of the fey princes he would have been well within his right to claim a great position in the fey courts as a king of his people, but he desired no such thing. Instead he roamed the earth, wandering form forrest to forrest, spreading lycanthropy and gaining influence around the world.


Altsehash has had many children on his travels, most of them with other elemental spirits but a few mortals have had the dubious honour of bringing the Old Wolf's children into the world. His children are take on some of his canine appearance and function, and many of them go on to become powerful spirits in their own right. It is currently unknown if the children stay loyal to their father and his designs or whether they make their own way in the world.
Chaotic Neutral
Long unkempt gray hair


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