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Blaecbrand Eadleth Edrys-Tanin

Lady Blaecbrand Eadleth Edrys (a.k.a. BB, hot stuff, Bianca Edelmann, Captain Edrys, child of providence, Princess)

Blaecbrand is the only child to Jeleneth Edrys, heiress to the county of Firen-lic. Young and relatively inexperienced in the ways of the world, Blaecbrand decided that if she was to accomplish her future goals, she must first gain the experience she sorely lacked. Thus she set out from her home of the Thorn Court of Firen-lic not knowing what the future might entail but eager to face it nonetheless.
Three months later, she still had not decided if that was the most disastrous decision she has ever made, or if getting what she asked for was exactly what needed to happen.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short, compared to the hight elves she grew up around. She is slim like a dancer, and surprisingly buff, but her weak constitution often gives her trouble.

Facial Features

She has the markings of a noble of the Gold Empire, golden eyes and scales covering her cheeks.

Identifying Characteristics

When not using make-up or other means to cover up her eyes and scales, they mark Blaecbrand as a noble (or the child of a noble) from the Gold-Empire. She also has several tattoos, some are now covered by the continued appearance of golden scales, but two have, so far, survived. Both in the fireni style.

Physical quirks

When she finds something difficult or emotional to talk about, she has trouble looking the person she is speaking to in the eye and she often fidgets with her fingers.

Special abilities

Her draconic blood gives BB magical powers. In addition she has discovered that with her father being an akshusian, this has in turn given har the ability to see the purple energy of the star children's devices, as well as the ability to operate them, with some training.

Apparel & Accessories

When at home she usually wears very extravagant and excellently made silk dresses. Always with a mask, either full cover (when she is in Firen-Lic) or half cover (when she is anywhere else).   Her current adventurer outfit consists of variations of fashionable akshusian clothes, made for the appropriate weather. They are usually accented in green and gold. A pin emblazoned with an owl marks her as one of the Owls, usually holding up her scarf.   Blaecbrand wears a red diamond around her neck at all times that she uses to cast magic, her jewellery is designed so that the can put this diamond into any of them, depending on level of extravagance needed to fit the situation.   BB has very long wavy hair that she usually wears in an updo to keep it away from her face. If she can, she will include imagery or other of roses, thorns, wings and coatls in her outfit.

Mental characteristics


Blaecbrand has never had any need to define her sexuality, growing up in a culture where everything goes as long as all involved parties are consenting and of sound mind. Whether this leads to friendship, a romantic relationship, sex, casual or otherwise, a mix of these or neither does not really matter, she just likes making connections with people. Blaecbrand does tend to prefer women, though she has had no shortage of male lovers as well. She has recently entered into a budding romantic relationship with a fellow party-member, Ceren Charadric, which is a whole new thing for her, feelings are so different from everything else she has experienced so far.


Her family has employed the best tutors to give Blaecbrand a good education. This has gives her a lot of knowledge, though not necessarily the skills to best put this knowledge to use. Her education comprised of a traditional high elven curriculum: Language, Literature, Rhetoric, History, Philosophy, Law, Magic, Art (she favoured dancing), and Self-Defence. In addition she also got a variety of different life and practical lessons from both Jeleneth and Alvana.


BB is currently a member of Ugler I Mosen, an adventuring party or group of mercenaries. Formerly in the employ of her mother they are now in the employ of Ishmael Tanin, the Prince-Regent of Akshus. Being given the role as his champions they undertake different types of jobs, from hunting desert vampires to terrorists. The long-term goal of the party is collecting allies and forging connections to be able to end the daemon cults that are trying to take over the city of Toirecíud.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As a member of Ugler I Mosen, she: Stopped a serial killer (The Pale Man) "Dispelled" a revenant curse. Overcame a trial of worthiness and won for herself “Isengrim’s Wrath”, a modified Staff of Fire Successfully argued their way out of being judged guilty of the crime of killing a priest. Defeated Prince Radames, and his dust court, desert vampires included. Defeated a giant space worm. Deposed Theodora-Sierra Marcela as bishop of Ælmesleóht. Fought a "god" and won.

Failures & Embarrassments

As a member Ugler i Mosen, she: Got possessed by a shadow demon. Lost the Atham to the demon cultists while battling them in a mausoleum Got tricked by a powerful fey lord into make a shitty deal, now she owes him a sword. As a result of doing a favour for Altsehash, the laughing wolf, they released an “avatar” of the deep cold (or something of the like), oops. Lost a powerful knife to the Spidermother.

Mental Trauma

Loss of Autonomy and Mutilation are two of Blaecbrands biggest fears. Some recent experiences have added to those in various ways. For one she is very much against that she will change, both physically and mentally, due to the draconic blood coursing through her veins. Knowing somewhat what the changes will be have not helped at all, rather it has made her dislike it all the more and she hates being reminded of what her power is costing her.   Being possessed by a daemon has taught her what it feels like to be manipulated, again both mentally and physically. While possessed Blaecbrand did many things which she later deeply regrets, and she will always wonder if not for the daemon, would things have turned out differently? It was also while she was possessed that Blaecbrand killed someone for the first time. Every restrictive action someone has taken against her since has only served to remind her how fragile her freedom really is.   All this has left Blaecbrand with a greater need to gather information, to not enter a situation where she does not have some measure of control, else she will act impulsively and recklessly to combat the quiet anxiety in her heart. It has also made it so that current attempts to restrict, coerce or force BB to do things she does not want to do are met with a more visceral reaction than it would have previously.

Intellectual Characteristics

Blaecbrand has a fairly high intellect though she does not emphasize this very much. She is an emotional person, but her reasons for doing things often stems from a calculated, somewhat machiavellian view of the world. She has a high intellectual autonomy and prefers to reach her own conclusions after gathering as many facts as possible before making any big decisions.

Morality & Philosophy

Her morality is one of practicality and relativity. If unnecessary harm can be avoided it should, but not if it hinders her personal goals. She and the ones she cares about comes first. She is generally open to most people and fairly easy to get along with. If she can, she will try to make the world a little less of a shitty place to live in. Things just work so much more smoothly when people are happy and safe. No waving of pitchforks and revolutions when people are content. Maybe her reasons for doing it are ultimately selfish, but if the outcome is to the benefit of many, is that not enough?   Blaecbrand also reacts negatively to people disliking others for reasons out of their control. People cannot decide who they will be born to and what culture they will grow up in, and so should not be judged solely based on those facts. This is a problem she has personally dealt with her entire life, and so it hits her a bit different seeing it done to others.   Individuals on the other hand are so much easier to dislike, with individuals you can point to a specific reason as to why they specifically are an asshole. Which fits nicely with her more vindictive nature coming to the fore in response to slights against herself and her loved ones.

Personality Characteristics


Blaecbrand is very personally motivated. That is, she usually has a personal reason for doing what she does. If that reason is that she has come to care for someone and is therefore invested in their wellbeing, that is her business. Other than that BB is very motivated by spite, pettiness, anger and a driving need to know and learn. She also has a vested interest in making sure she herself does not get put in too many situations where her moves and choices are too restricted. Having experienced several times what that feels like she now strives to avoid it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies She knows to use her charisma and charm to get what she wants. She knows one should not always rush into a situation without considering all the available facts and information. She is adept at talking in political situations and often uses information she has learned to turn those situations in her favour. She is starting to learn how to see the bigger picture behind what is going on, on the surface.   Ineptitudes Her skillset had been very geared towards a few specific needs, that is everything that has something to do with anything that is the noble life, art or the act of using one’s words to get what you want. Blaecbrand has never been a very introspective person, and often fails at seeing a lot of the reasons behind her own motivations, actions, and feelings. People usually have to forcefully, or by the help of copious amounts of alcohol, drag them out of her. She has had a history of not thinking things through before doing something. She is trying to be cautious, but her impulsiveness often gets in the way. She is also quite inept at discerning other people’s reasons and motivations, which comes as a bit of a hindrance when dealing with people of varying degrees of dubiousness.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Blaecbrand likes the good things in life. Food, drink, art, parties, flirting and occasionally (often) sex. She has a fondness for dark chocolate cake, fireni oranges, and spiced wine. Ceren Charadric   Dislikes: She has a distaste for people disliking others simply for who or what they are. She especially dislikes people who use their “superiority” to cause harm, be that personal or systematic. She also dislikes it when people oversimplify and reduce her people and culture down to “that island where they have sex a lot”, which is both insulting and a great disregard of all the other wonderful things going on there.

Vices & Personality flaws

Blaecbrand is easy to anger and quick to hold a grudge and she will take it out on the person, exerting energy and time to do so. She has a bad habit of antagonizing those whose worldview she strongly disagrees with, even if this might not be the best situation or the other person might be way out of her league. Especially if the other person’s worldview comes with a certain disregard for life. Also: “Sex is a great solution to all life's problems, more people should accept this.”


She likes to stay clean and takes great care of her appearance, your appearance is the mask you present to the world after all.


Contacts & Relations

Ugler i Mosen The Edrys Family Ishmael Tanin, Prince Regent of Akshus

Family Ties

Her mother, Jeleneth Edrys, was often busy representing the Edrys family on the Council of Toitecíud, and so BB spent half her time growing up in the family's mansion in Toirecíud and half in their castle at Firen-Lic, the island of her people and the seat of her family, and in the care of her grandmother Alvana Edrys. Grandmother Edrys seems amused by her grandchild’s antics and is very supportive of her. Alvana is the only person that is able to order Blaecbrand to do anything and have her obey without fail. They share a lot of the same ideologies and values when it comes to caring for their loved ones. Alvana is sadly going to die in the not too far-off future and Blaecbrand is trying to get to grips with that.   She has good relations with her mother, their bond is very different to the one Blaecbeand shares with Alvana, though no less strong. Blaecbrand is highly driven by a need to please her mother and to make her proud. Due to several different causes, their relationship has been a bit strained in the past months predating Blaecbrand setting off from Firen-lic. Before Blaecbrand left with the party in search of her father they had a talk that seemed to smooth some things out, but the matters are far from resolved.   Blaecbrand has never met her father, Jelleneth never talks much about him, and seems reluctant to say much even when asked. As of the 20 of Rain, Blaecbrands suspicions regarding his identity was confirmed, her father is Ibrahim al-Iliesar Tanin, the king of Akshus. She is not happy about this.   She has only met one of her newly discovered half brothers but even before confirming her suspicions about their relation they had become good friends, their relationship only deepening after the revelation of their familial bond.

Religious Views

Blaecbrand is not generally a very spiritual person, as neither fireni nor toirecíudans are very religious. If pressed she may confess to holding with the Raven Queen, but she rarely invokes her name, the being reserved for very special cases. Lately, however, she has started to see the merit of religion as a spiritual guideline to keep herself on the path she hopes to take, as well as the fact that she now has “met” at least two aspects of the Dragon God and travelled with two saints. At the least it seems worth it to try and see what happens.

Social Aptitude

She is a highly charismatic person, she is pretty, she knows it, and plays it for all that it is worth. In situations having to do with charming, deceiving or intimidating someone, she is your girl. Having had a very sheltered upbringing, she is more comfortable in situations concerning elven nobility. Those she knows and mostly know how to handle. Outside of that she stumbles on as best she can, not really knowing how things work she often goes with the flow, this makes it easy to convince her of things that maybe she should not do. It also gives her the courage to say what she means, even to people far more powerful than her.

Hobbies & Pets

Her main hobby is dancing. She usually practices her dancing to calm down when she has been shaken or when the world feels like a lot. Mastering dance moves makes her feel in control of herself.


When she speaks her mother tongue, elvish, BB speaks with a posh accent, like most noble high elves. Even outside areas populated by elves she talks elvish as much as possible, as that is the language that comes most naturally to her. Talking in common her speech is much less formal, but still very polite, unless she is talking to the party or the situation calls for something else. If she knows the mother tongue of someone she is talking to, she usually tries to talk to them in that language.

Wealth & Financial state

Her family is filthy rich. The Edrys family is one of the leading families of Toirecíud. They also have several islands that they rule over having been its own independent kingdom until recently.

Professional noble bastard. She likes to have fun, party and enjoy the fine things in life. She also likes to set assholes on fire.

Character Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Blaecbrand Eadleth Edrys of Firen-lic Champion of the Prince-Regent Captain Edrys Owl (Crown Princess of Akshus)
Date of Birth
17th of Ixen 472 Imperial Age
Firen-Lic, the Thorn Court
Current Residence
The Royal Palace of Ælmesleóht, The Wandering Truth (ship)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 cm
50 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I hope you get what you deserve" (To the former Bishop of Ælmesleóht) "You are like children waving about toys you do not understand" (Regarding the Church of the Star Children using Illithid technology) "He makes things quiet, it is like being in the eye of a storm" (About Ceren)
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Gnomish, Halfling Learning: Akshusian, Abyssal and one more


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