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Firen-Lic er underordna Toirecíud. Det herskande dynastiet i Firen-Lic, Edrys-familien, er ein av dei herskande adelsfamiliane i Toirecíud.
Firen-Lic ligger på ein magisk vakker øy der det virker som om sollyset er skarpare og havet blåare enn nokon anna plass i verda. Ein kan konstant høre musikk ulikt noken anna plass i verda på Firen-Lic, med magiske melodier som kan drive sjelen til sorg, vrede, glede eller ein amalgamasjon av dei tre og tusenvis av andre kjensler.
Firen-Lic er ein øy som for det meste består av gold stein og skarp kyst, det er egentleg ganske utruleg at noko folkeslag kan bu der. Likavell har Firenerne, som alver fra Firen-Lic blir kalla, funnet ein gjemt dal heilt sør på øya som produerer meir enn nok mat til dei. Den einaste store bebuelsen på øya er rundt denne dalen, og er delt i den nye byen som er i sjølve dalen og den gamle byen som ligger på dei høge fjelle over dalen. I den nye byen kan alle folkeslag fritt bevege seg og nyte Firenerne sin velkjente gjestfrihet og underbare kultur, medan i den gamle byen er det kun Firenere sjølv som kan bevege seg.
Firenerne er unike blandt alver, sidan alle går med masker. Imperiets antropologer har enda ikkje funnet det kulturelle opphavet til denne tradisjonen.
Denne maskegåinga har spredd seg til å bli mote i Toirecíud, der mange alver går med liknande masker på ball og til sosiale begivenheter.
Edrys-slottet på Firen-lic har frå gamalt av namnet Tornehoffet.
A report written by sister Christina Narvaes of the Brass Dragon, following her travels in Akshus and on Firen-lic. She has used interviews with firenians and tomes from the Thundertower as primary sources and has procured additional information and context from the Royal Library of Cidamar.


Firen-lic consists of mostly fireni high elves, although more Toirecíudans and A-wacnians have moved there in the last couple of centuries. With the coming of the Gold Empire to Akshus, more peoples from there have moved to Firen-lic. Most of these are temporary merchants who travel to and from Firen-lic as business demands, but a tribe of akshusians have permanently settled the island on the invitation of lady Alvana Edrys.


Firen-lic is ruled by the Edrys family, whom most firenians feel a deep loyalty towards. They rule the island from their mountain holdfast of the Thorn Court, as they have done for millenia. The current lady of Firen-lic is Alvana Edrys, who is particularily well-liked on the island for her efforts of integration and modernization, whereby she has given many fireni the opportunity to take their hobbies and crafts and turn them into jobs producing some of the world's finest art, dresses, dances, wines, silks and foods.


The arrival of the Fireni - 3847 Pre-Imperial Age
The Fireni came to Akshus as refugees, having fled religious persecution in the elven homeland. They had travelled further and further south, seeking refuge among elven city-states but finding nothing but suspicion and hostility wherever they went. At last they came to Toirecíud, the southernmost colony of the High Elven Empire. Toirecíud was less religious than many other city-states of her kind, but faced with possible retribution from the Knights of Corellon they could not give them true refuge in the city. Instead the Fireni were allowed to go into exile on an island off the coast of Toirecíud, where they would remain for their own safety.
They were given a few worthless barren islands by the noble of Toirecíud, the biggest of which would one day bear the name "Firen-lic". Something strange happened then, when the Fireni first set their foot on the island. Toirecíudan records of expeditions to the islands had made them out to be inhospitable to life, but the Firen-lic and surrounding islands we know today are thriving, verdant places, more so than any other place in Akshus. Precisely what happened here is uncertain, and Fireni who are asked about it tend to shrug it off and say that they were blessed.
Precisely what happened here is still uncertain, and alchemists of the green order have asked for funding to visit the island and study it in the hopes of unearthing powerful elven magic that could aid in the production of crops in inhospitable lands, but so far they have been denied their requests as there are more important matters to focus on in Akshus.
The Fireni came to their island, which they named Firen-lic, and began building their community there. Their unique culture and way of life flourished far away from the bows of the Knights of Corellon, thought it would take milennia before anyone else were to lay eyes on fireni art or listen to fireni music.
The dark years - 3847 Pre-Imperial Age to 500 Pre-Imperial Age
After the Fireni came to Firen-lic, they completely isolated themselves from the world around them. They hade gone into exile and feared the wrath of the Knights of Corellon, so they kept true to their exile. When the Knights of Corellon were finally defeated around 1837 pre-imperial age, the fireni remained in their exile. There are very few records of what occured on Firen-lic during this time, as we do not have access to the Edrys family's records of this time (assuming such records even exist) and Fireni tend to take offence if they feel interrogated about what happened during this time (a lesson the author has learned following multiple bar brawls with fireni sailors). We can however make some basic deductions with the limited information we have available.
Toirecíudan reports from these three millenia speak of what appeared to be great celebratory feasts on Firen-lic that could be heard and seen far away, which seem to have dimmed as the centuries went on. There are also reports of fireni bodies, some with strange symbols tattooed onto their skin and others with beautiful symbols painted along their arms and backs, washing onto the northern shores of Toirecíud.
We know that the Fireni worshipped cthonic gods, and that this was the reason they were driven from the elven homeland. We also know that modern Fireni do not worship cthonic gods, rather they have joined Toirecíudans in worship of the Raven Queen. This suggests that the Fireni stopped worshipping cthonic gods at some point. The great feasts seen by the Toirecíudans may have been some sort of grand ritual or religious festival, and its slow decline may show that the religions slowly lost its potency among the Fireni. 
The bodies then suggest that the change in faith was followed by violence. It seems that two forces fought against one another, and it would be reasonable to assume that one of these was a zealot faction, and the other was a heretic faction. The zealots had tattoos of strange symbols that are cthonic in origin. The author's attempt to elucidate precisely what these tattoos mean led them to Father Eisenmehr in Cidamar, who aided in revealing their origin. The different symbols were dedicated to the cthonic gods Graz'zt, Orcus, Zuggtmoy and Yeenoghu. The heretic faction had beautiful patterns painted onto them, which remind one of the uniforms of the Wardancers, whom they may have been the forerunners to.
This theory of civil war would also explain why the Fireni are loathe to discuss it, as elves have long memories and the conflict may yet be a source of distress.
Joining with Toirecíud - 500 Pre-Imperial Age to 66 Pre-Imperial Age
Founding Date
3447 Pre-Imperial Age
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