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The tall, gray-haired half-elf Damatír tribe are the dominant tribe in the Duchy of East Sceya. As ancient servants of their huntergod Altsehash, whom they know as Altsehashke, the Damatír are a nomadic hunter-people who travel in the East Sceyan Greatwood, hunting monsters, game and protecting their less powerful Faordaon cousins.
According to their stories, the Damatír are descendants of the wolf king's warriors, and even today they maintain a rigorous martial structure. All adult Damatír warriors ride greatwolves into battle and on hunts, and the truly blessed are the Siúcraic, the Wildwalkers, who have been blessed with lycanthropy. The Siúcraic also includes druids.
Traditionally, the Damatír have been ruled over by the comhaidh, a fraternity of thanes who represent the different powers in Damatír society. However, since the daughter of Altsehashke, Siobhan the Wolf Queen, came to the world, the lineage of Altsehashke has ruled the Damatír. This state of affairs is slowly unravelling, as doubters within the ranks of the Damatír question Deidre, their current ruler, and question his motives and ability to lead them. Other thanes have grown to power, particularly the radical thane Eamhón and the venerable thane Inghéan.


The Damatír are a highly martial and rigorous society, which remains founded upon democratic principles. The simplest unit of social organization to the Damatír is the hunting pack, which consists of 5-20 family units, each of which is expected to supply between 1 and 3 warriors, most often the parents of the family and their eldest child. These families elect a ceann'pa, pack leader, from among their number. The pack leader leads discussions on the best course of action for a hunting pack in times of peace and between battles, and leads their pack in the moment-to-moment of battle, but does not have authority to command the others outside of armed conflict. When there is indecision or split opinions within a pack, the pack leader chooses their preferred option.
Above the hunting packs are the cathlán, which consists of a group of hunting packs who hunt and work together in peacetime and who fight together in times of war. The pack leaders also represent their hunting pack in conferences with their cathlán, and elect a thane from among their number. The thane settles disputes between hunting packs and pack leaders in times of peace, and commands their cathlán in times of war. The thane has direct command of the cathlán during war, but is often supported and advised by their pack leaders.
The highest ruling organ of the Damatír is the comhaidh, the war council. This consists of the thanes of the dozen or so cathlán, who meet in times of peace to settle disputes over land rights, discuss Damatír foreign policy and discuss cases. In times of war, the thanes will elect a Mactí Rí from among their numbers to lead them into battle against their foe and have overall command of Damatír forces. The Mactí Rí holds command for one war season and a new one must be selected for the next war or season.
This has traditionally been the case, but for the last 500 years, the Damatír have been ruled over by direct descendants of Altsehashke. First his daughter, the great Wolf Queen Síban, who commanded them in battle against the Ari kingdom and the Gold Empire, and later her son Deidre, known as the Robber Prince, who conquered much of the East Sceyan Greatwood and continued the fight agains the Gold Empire.


Glory of the Hunt
Honor of the Forest
Founding Date
~9000 PIA
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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