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A short, good-natured people, gnomes are a race of inventive and magical beings. Unlike the sage knowledge of the elves or the power of dwarven ingenuity, the brilliance of gnomes come from their intuitive logic and how in-tune with magic they are. While it is said that there are no great gnomish kingdoms, many realms owe the power of their economy or the technology of their warriors to gnomish thinkers. The gnomish race is divided into several elemental subraces, whose lineages were separated after the First War. These gnomes generally have little in common, and do not consider each other a united people, unlike the relationship between dwarven elemental subraces.
Rock gnomes are by many considered the gnomish people closest to their ancient First War roots. Rock gnomes live all over the Material Plane, and are wonderful tinkerers, scientists and engineers. When people think about gnomes, they think about rock gnomes, which are so synonymous that most people don't specify "rock gnomes".
Sky gnomes live in the far-away Stormlands of the west, where they have created great Skycities and trade around the entire Material Plane and into the Elemental Plane of Air. The sky gnomes have long been servants of the sky elf kingdoms or cloud and storm giants, but recently groups of sky gnomish skyities have united their efforts to create a safe place for Sky Gnomes. Sky Gnomes have an instinctual feel for the flowing current of Auran magic, and so they are wonderful Auran engineers and skyship captains.
Forest gnomes live in the borderline between the Feywild and the Material Plane. Little is known about them, other than that many of them are sworn to Chéad Cathair. Forest gnomes feel the magic of the Feywild, and are masters at manipulating the dreamscape of the Feywild to hide their settlements and travel.
Deep gnomes live deep underground and in the Elemental Plane of Earth. They are wonderfully gifted miners, with a natural affinity for the magic of Terra, whom they worship like a giver-god. Hazat Ardia has enslaved many deep gnomes to his cause as the Emperor of Dao, so deep gnomes generally live in hiding and try to avoid their would-be tyrant.

Basic Information


Gnomes are short humanoid creatures, standing only slightly over 3 feet tall on average. They have a vibrant range of eye colors, hair colors and skin colors, influenced by the magic they are attuned to. Their hair is often unruly and difficult to keep neat, but the beards of male gnomes are kept neat and charming.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Augen von Baravar
Gnomes have a unique ability among the races of the world, they can see the currents of magic flow through the world, like small sparks of creation. This ability has helped them in their magical engineering, and gives them a unique capacity to learn the wizardly arts. According to rock gnomish lore, they were given this ability by their god of illusion and deception, Baravar Mantelschatten. Precisely how he did this varies from legend to legend. In the Gold Empire, the story goes that Baravar convinced Aurathear Darastrix to give him magical eyes which he then shared with his gnome children.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Gnomes are very conscious of how they present themselves to the world, and always try to show their personality through their clothing, jewelry and hair. They do not prioritize looking neat and tidy, or even beautiful per se, but they always try to develop their own style to communicate what is important to them and who they are. Gnomes will often wear small items they have made themselves, everything from embroidery and simple jewels to elaborate rings and magic items.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Inspired curiosity
The gnomes, no matter their elemental prediliction, delight in living and want to experience the world as much as possible, understand the deep mysteries
Average Height
Average Weight
40-45 pounds
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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