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King Hans Ari

King Hans Ari (a.k.a. the Great)

King Hans "the Great" Ari is king of Sceya. He conquered Sceya and freed it from fey rulership, giant dominion and draconic tyrants, leading his people south and taking new land to populate and civilize. He is now an old man, far past his youthful prime, and his bitterness has turned him into a paranoid and violent ruler. He rides Clenxir Drakeslayer, a powerful dragon matriarch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Young
Hans became king at a young age, when his father was killed by the Red Fiend during a military excursion to reconquer Highammer for the dwarves of For Vahn. Hans realized that the Ari kingdom and For Vahn would never be able to defeat the Red Fiend on their own, and so he sent diplomatic envoys north to the Gold Empire.
Communicating in secret with the Peace Legion, Hans made a promise to the Gold Emperor: if the Gold Emperor could give Hans victory in Sceya, he would bend the knee. The Gold Empire was ready to expand south of the Godpeaks, and the Gold Emperor promised armies, dragons, knights and navies to the king. After years of scouting, preparation and negotiation, the Gold Emperor and lord Goldbrand Cyne flew to Itn-Ari on their dragons, Kaerziros and Krultis, and gave king Hans his own dragon, Clenxir. Together, the Imperial and Ari armies moved south to invade inland Sceya and liberate Highhammer from the Red Fiend. The Great
King Hans won many great battles in these early days of war riding Clenxir and leading his armies, fighting dragonborn, ember elves and giants while pushing south from Itn-Ari. Fighting alongside the Gold Emperor and lord Goldbrand, king Hans finally succeeded in his family's dream of defeating the Red Fiend. King Hans and Clenxir personally killed the Red Fiend in draconic duel.
While the imperial conquest going south from Itn-Ari was a great success, but the conquest travelling east from the coastal holdings of the Ari kingdom faced more difficult going. Prince Abraham "Goldenscale" was put in charge of the imperial navy and sceyan army forces moving into the West Sceyan wild, with the charge of defeating the Damatír. However, the Damatír refused to give major battle to the numerically superior imperial and Ari forces, and instead ambushed them and engaged in bloody skirmishes.
Abraham himself was ambushed aboard one of his riverships, and was abducted by the Wolf Queen. He was never seen again, and was assumed killed by the Damatír, perhaps preferring death to the ignonomy of captivity and being a hostage.
After the death of Abraham, Andreas was forever changed. He returned to Itn-Ari as a different man. Ambition had turned to restlessness, and war into an obsession. He spent only a few years in Itn-Ari and his new capital of Highhammer with his wife queen Andrea, just enough to sire a male heir and two daughters, before returning to the battlefield.
He mustered a great force and rode Clenxir into battle again, first aiding the Imperial Conquest of Whiesia, and then fighting further afield. Riding west alongside lord Goldbrand, he rode Clenxir in the first imperial intervention in Ikseong, affirming his dragon's name of "Drakeslayer" and gaining a new one of his own: "the Flame of the South".
Together with his Sceyans, especially the veteran units from Highhammer, he saved several Ikseong cities from destruction and killed many of the young dragons of the Onyx Throne who challenged the initial gains of the Gold Empire. King Hans was one of the first imperial nobles to ride their dragon to battle on foreign shores, and he was the very first imperial monarch to ride their dragon to war on foreign shores.
In these days he was the very image of the conquering battle-king, and his example would drive many noble houses to seek similar glory. He fought alongside lord Goldbrand and the Gold Emperor himself in these days, but it was not to last.
The Old
After many years of brutal combat, sieges and battles, king Hans could no longer keep up with the demands of war. His old friends, the Gold Emperor and lord Goldbrand, were seemingly not aging and retained their energy, while Hans got more and more tired.
During the East Shigawanai offensive, king Hans' age finally caught up with him. Him and Clenxir were on duty guarding a small flotilla of Legion ships travelling to the siege of Karakun, when a Black Dragon and small host of black dragonborn began firing upon the flotilla with earthshatter cannons from the coastline. He made battle against the dragonborn and bought time for the flotilla to escape harm, but during the dragonduel with the black dragon he was thrown from Clenxir's back and fell upon the ground, breaking his leg. Were it not for the Sun Armour, he would likely have died.
Clenxir killed the black dragon and brought her rider back to the imperial headquarters on Ikseong. The Gold Emperor discharged king Hans from his duties with high honors, teleporting him back to Highhammer for rest and spending time living the good life in his old age.
However, the king has grown bitter without wars to wage and blood to shed. He believes the Gold Emperor has abandoned him, and that the world he fought and kingdom he conquered is preparing to leave him behind, going further and further away every day.

King Hans "the Great" Ari is king of Sceya. He conquered Sceya and freed it from fey rulership, giant dominion and draconic tyrants, leading his people south and taking new land to populate and civilize. He is now an old man, far past his youthful prime, and his bitterness has turned him into a paranoid and violent ruler. He rides Clenxir Drakeslayer, a powerful dragon matriarch.

Character Location
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Neutral Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd of Peace, 411 Imperial Age
Aurathear Darastrix
Ruled Locations


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