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Tanin Dynasty

The Tanin Dynasty is the youngest imperial noble house, having joined The Gold Empire 25 years ago. The Tanin Dynasty rules the imperial province of Akshus in the Far South of Dain. The dynasty's dragon matriarch is Nysqwen , known as the Death of the Desert, and her current rider is king Ibrahim al-Iliesar Tanin. The dynasty is famous for its development of advanced technology, which has lead to a scientific revolution in the Empire, and for their efforts in training elite warriors to serve the Gold Emperor.
Such warriors include the dreaded Night Owls, the legendary and technologically advanced Princeguard and most famous of all: the Legion of Vigilance.
They have a reputation for diplomacy and peacemaking in different parts of the Empire, and are largely considered one of the liberal houses. Some imperial nobles of the old nobility consider them a small and inexperienced dynasty, but none can deny that they punch above their weight.


The Tanin dynasty, like all imperial noble families, are ruled by a Monarch bonded with a dragon matriarch. In the case of the Tanin dynasty Ibrahim al-Iliesar Tanin fullfils this function bonded with Nysqwen . It is common for imperial dynasties to seperate into a Great House and several Cadet Houses as the generations pass and the dragonblood gets diluted. However, the Tanins have yet to properly segregate into this pattern.
The king has five children: Blaecbrand, Ishmael, Asher, Taimur and Esther. Blaecbrand, Taimur Harimaer and Esther Eadleth are by his second wife Lady Jeleneth Edrys, while Ishmael and Asher are by his first wife Esther Tanin. The two youngest are respectively fifteen and nine, and so have yet to make their full mark on the family. Taimur is in East Sceya, being educated in the ways of war by his uncle Prins Andreas Ari.
Of these children, only two of them have children of their own: Ishmael and Asher. Ishmael has two children by his own blood, all of whom are bonded with dragons, and two adopted children. Asher has 2 children by his own blood, both of whom are bonded with dragons.
These princes of Akshus have their own roles:
  • Lady Blaecbrand Tanin serves as advisor to her father in Ælmesleóht on matters of state, and also serves as Akshus' representative on the Argentine Council in Aurumis. She also serves as a leader for the Fireni expatriots in Ælmesleóht, and often spends time as an adventurer. Blaecbrand rides Mealrad, thirdborn of Nysqwen.
  • Duke Ishmael al-Rahim Tanin rules the duchy of Ye'or and holds court in Suq Alsamak. He is also a professor of Transevocation and Psionic Engineering at the Akshusian Royal University in Ælmesleóht, a board member in the Royal Akshusian Spice Company, and a leading scientist in the Princeguard program. He is married to Prince-Consort Israfel Tanin. He rides Arxiros, firstborn of Nysqwen.
  • Duke Asher al-Ghadib Kale-Tanin rules the duchy of Kale and holds court in the City of Towers. He is marshal of the Royal Akshusian Army. He is married to Duchess Dhameera Kale-Tanin, whom he has co-rulership with. He rides Rhoytas, secondborn of Nysqwen.
While it is still uncertain who will rule when Ibrahim passes on to the Dragon God, it seems likely that duke Ishmael Tanin will take the crown and his siblings will form the first set of cadet houses, with the Kale-Tanins ruling the Akshusian south.

Public Agenda

The Tanin dynasty has spent the last twenty years establishing their peaceful rule in Akshus, bringing law, unity and order to the ancient bloody dunes. The dynasty has promoted a policy of modernization of the economy and strengthening the rights of peasants, which has led to bountiful harvests from Akshus' agricultural regions.
The Tanin dynasty has balanced a difficult path regarding the many tribes of Akshus: they acknowledge that each tribe has a unique cultural identity and heritage which should not be infringed, while also acknowledging that inter-tribal conflict has been the bane of Akshusian unity. The dynasty has thus promoted intermarriage and desegregation between the tribes, especially in the urban centers. Out in the desert dunes however, the ancestral homelands of the different tribes are still respected and protected by royal decree. The tribes still own their magical oases, which produce so many of Akshus' luxury goods, and gain revenue from them. Most of these tribes have united with the royal dynasty to form the Royal Akshusian Spice Company, a conglomerate which sells silks, spices and narcotics to the Gold Empire for high prices. This economic unity has resulted in cooperation between the tribes in building common infrastructure, and has given a great deal of money to both the Tanin dynasty and the individual tribes.
This has resulted in a radical change in Akshusian tribal life: 30 years ago all the people of the tribe made their living in the desert cultivating spices, defending their oases and trading with their neighbors. Now many tribal people have moved to the cities to work as artisans, laborers or merchants, and only maintain a cultural link with their home tribe, while a few of the "Old Tribe" remain in the desert cultivating their spices. These "Old Tribes" also form the core of the Royal Akshusian Army, being supplied by the Dragonking himself with horses, arms and armor to train for battle in the desert dunes. Many of these cavalry warbands have fought alongside imperial forces in battles across the seas, and once again the Tanin dynasty proves itself as a house with focus on quality over quantity.
The Tanin dynasty is aware that their province is one of the smallest in the Gold Empire, both in population and area, so they focused on establishing themselves early to avoid being overshadowed and controlled by the larger houses of Ari and Dynastos.
The primary way they did this was through Trade and Technology, though they also assisted in War and Diplomacy.
Akshusian silk and spices had always been famous in the Gold Empire, and known all throughout Dain for their quality, and the status associated with getting regular supply of such fine wares. The Akshusian trade had always been choppy, especially as one travelled further north, and stopped for nearly a hundred years during the Dominion. The Tanin dynasty's first order of business was securing proper trade deals with the other provinces of the Gold Empire, which they succeeded with in large parts thanks to the diplomatic efforts of Ishmael, Israfel, Blaecbrand, Jeleneth and Andreas.
These trade deals have secured great income for the province, both for the Tanins and the tribes, and have spread Akshusian goods far and wide in the Gold Empire. Many noble houses cannot now imagine life without Akshusian spices, and it is a mark of great prestige to have such things readily available.
Additionally, Akshusian grain now supports a large portion of the Empire's population, especially the overseas armies in Oilean.
The wonders of Akshusian technology are still making ripples in the Gold Empire, as the alliance of the Order of Alchemists and the Royal Akshusian University is constantly discovering new applications for the psionics. The greatest revolution has been in the creation of sawarum, machines operated by psionics and guided by alchemists which can perform incredibly complex statistical processes in a matter of minutes. The only thing limiting the spread of this technology is the limited access to capable psions and the esoteric materials required to build them. However, they are already making changes to how the alchemists do scientific inquiry, and a team of psionic Akshusian scientists work in Goldstadt alongside the very highest echelons of the Order, reflecting well on Akshus' standing in the alchemical community.
Akshusians are no strangers to war, and all Imperial Provinces are expected to supply a tithe of soldiers to the Wars of Expansion being waged in Qing, Oilean and the Elven homeland. Being in the Far South, Akshus has contributed with cavalry warbands to the conquest of Oilean, and both duke Asher and king Ibrahim riding their dragons have fought in several engagements of the war. King Ibrahim was one of the masterminds behind the initial invasion of Oilean, and fought alongside Grand Commander Allexander in the early stages of the war. While the Akshusians were relatively few in the war, their contributions were immense, and they have earned the respect of the more martial houses. Duke Asher has been on several tours of duty in Oilean, and was responsible for the conquest of the Fang Thiar coastline.
The Tanin dynasty has worked hard to establish diplomatic ties with the other dynasties of the Gold Empire, as well as the network of Free States in the Empire. The Tanin dynasty is considered a defender of the rights of Free States, and guarantees the protection of several in the Imperial South and Far South.


King Ibrahim understands the importance of a strong economic base for his kingdom, and has thus spent a great deal of resources to modernize the economy:
  • Agriculture. Land reforms around the major rivers of Akshus, the Ye'or, Aghnia and Hadi rivers, have resulted in more optimal utilization of the land by farmers, and the local workforce has been supplemented by immigration of Salantanan Halflings. With support from the Green Order of alchemists, Akshus' agricultural yield has never been better, and the grain trade is a central part of the province's economy, employing many. The production of cotton also facilitates the clothes factories of Ælmesleóht.
  • Spices, narcotics and silk. With peace finally coming to Middle Akshus, the yields of the magical oases have improved significantly. The different tribes of Middle Akshus are organized in the RASC, the Royal Akhusian Spice Company.
  • Jeweltrade. The Tanin dynasty controls two important trade routes for jewels and gold: the Hightop traderoutes from the Tashkilites and the Azerheim traderoute.
Akshus has an incredible technological potential, in large parts due to the legacy of the Mindflayer Dominion and the psionic capabilites of akshusians. King Ibrahim has supported his son, prince Ishmael, in developing the technological infrastructure of Akshus, primarily by the founding of the Royal University of Ælmesleóht and continual development of the Princeguard program.
The Akshusian military is relatively small compared to other provinces, but it is well-trained and well-equipped. There are four important formations which the Tanin dynasty have control over:
  • Akshusian Royal Army
  • The Princeguard
  • The Night Owls
  • The Legion of Vigilance
The Tanin dynasty can also call on allied dwarf warriors from Azerheim and battlemages from Toirecíud.
Akshusian Royal Army
The largest force that the Tanin dynasty commands, the Akshusian Royal Army consists of three groups: the Ye'or Militia, the Kaleite Companies and the Nomad Warbands. The Ye'or militia is sworn to duke Ishmael, and is the legacy of the Ye'orite spearmen who fought the highriders during Ibrahim's rebellion. Today the Ye'or militia consists of volunteers from the Ye'or tribes, who are paid well and equipped with spears and crossbows. They hunt monsters in the Ye'or delta and keep the peace.
The Kaleite Companies are the well-trained and well-equipped warriors of the City of Towers. These are loyal to duke Asher and duchess Dhameera, and have fought in imperial conquests of Oilean. They hunt monsters in the Lower Akshus and keep the peace.
The Nomad Warbands are the old tribes of the dunes of Akshus, and represent the largest portion of the Akshusian Royal Army. They are organized in warbands who train seasonally and hunt monsters and keep the peace in the deserts of Akshus. Many of these have fought in battles in Oilean. The best nomad warriors join the kumawt, the Death Commandos, and fight side-by-side with the king. This is a borderline religious calling, and the kumawt are known for their zealous warrior prowess.
The Akshusian Royal Army also has a sizeable navy for transporting warbands and companies to the Southern front, though few of these are true warships.
The Princeguard
The Princeguard is the elite unit of warriors trained by prince-consort Israfel Tanin and supplied with the best weapons from duke Ishmael's technological innovations. They have served as bodyguards for different members of the Akshusian royalty, but they also often serve as agents of the crown in more discreet matters and as champions in times of war.
The Princeguard are selected among the most fighting fit volunteers from the youth of Akshus, and are trained by prince-consrot Israfel Tanin in the ways of war. Knights of the Legion of Devotion also aid in this training. When they come of age, around 16, the Princeguard candidated get to choose a life for themselves, either as professional soldiers and officers in the Akshusian Royal Army or as warriors and champions of the Princeguard. A select few are chosen by the Knight Legions, either for induction into the Legion of Devotion or the Legion of Vigilance. The Princeguard program has been immensely succesful in producing career officers and knight candidates.
The Night Owls
Technically a subdivision of the Princeguard, the Night Owls deserve their own special mention. With their princeguard training under prince-consort Israfel supplemented by specialized training by captain Ceren Charadric, the Night Owls specialize in stealth operations. They are also given the very best equipment designed by duke Ishmael to carry out their duties.
The Night Owls work in close conjunction with the Office of Secret Services, which has bankrolled their development, and has been deployed all across the Gold Empire and in foreign territories to carry out the will of the Dragon God.
The original Night Owls team has over time been split into different strike teams, such as the Red Owls and the Green Owls, but these are all part of the Night Owl program. Legion of Vigilance
The Legion of Vigilance is a new Holy Legion, with its headquarters in Akshus. It was formed by imperial decree from a core of Devotion Knights, who travelled south to learn the ways of the githzherai and how to use the psionic weapons developed by duke Ishmael. The idea was to learn from the githzherai, to give the Gold Empire a weapons against extraterrestrial threats. The Legion of Vigilance has so far generally been unblooded, with only a few knights travelling on missions to defeat extraterrestrial threats, but they stand ready and looking to the sky from their fortress-monastery Vigil.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

Founding Date
380 Imperial Age
Political, Family
Family Leader
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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