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City of Towers

The City of Towers is named after the colossal curved dark towers made by the illithid. It was the capital of the Illithid Dominion in Akshus, and afterwards it became the seat of power of the Kaleites, who used it for nearly a century as the center of their military hegemony. The Gold Empire took it during the The Imperial-Akshusian War, and it is today the capital of the duchy of Kale. It has grown in size since imperial conquest with a great deal of imperial immigration and Akshusian immigration, and the city has several factories dedicated to producing war-materiel for the southern front of Oilean.


The City of Towers originally had a very homogenous demography, with 95% of its inhabitants consisting of kaleites, with the remaining consisting of traders and representatives from the tribes the kaleites had put under their dominion. As the war has progressed, many imperial soldiers camp in the city, especially Sceyans and knight legionnaires.


Originally, the City of Towers was ruled over by the chieftain of the kaleites, whose word was law in all matters and whom the tribe followed in all matters. There was no real law between the kaleites, as there was no need for it since the king adjudicated the few instances of crime or trouble between kaleites. However, there was the dakhil-law, the outsider-law, which governed on basis of agreement the interactions between kaleites and outsiders living in or travelling to the city, with legislation on taxation of merchant goods, punishment for crimes and proper treatment of kaleite military. This law generally favored the kaleites.


The City of Towers was built on the Hadi river, and today it boasts many watermills and factories powers by a complex series of canals. The City of Towers also has a large refinery district where ore and metal from the mines in the east are refined for use in the city's factories.
The City of Towers is more military camp and bastion than it is city, and it is organized as such, with numerous barrack-like sleeping quarters, training halls, gymnasiums, prisons, communal baths and temples. There were a few larger temples to Earthquake in the city, where the kaleites offered up thanks to the god who gave them their metal to work.
While it has been under imperial occupation, the city has been used by them as a large military camp, with Sceyan soldiers and knight legionnaires moving the kaleites to other parts of the city to make room for themselves.
In the center of the city are the towers themselves, five great black towers that reach up 300 feet from the ground like the dark, slender fingers of some buried god reaching from the sky. This was the center of kaleite governance, with each of the towers dedicated to a warlord in charge of one of the cardinal directions, and with the last one and biggest one belonging to the chief himself. During the occupation, the Empire also used it as their base of operations and used the subterranean prisons for hosting the githzherai monks they captured.


Originally the City of Towers was neatly organized into four districts depending on the cardinal direction, with each being a mostly autonomous sub-entity of the city and with the people having a short walk from their sleeping quarters to their workplaces and amenities. However, with the coming of the Empire, things have changed.
The North Ward
The North Ward is the largest area of the city and functions as a de-facto prison for the kaleite civilians while the war drags on. The North Ward was never supposed to hold such a large population, so as many were forced from their homes to make place for imperial soldiers they were forced to find spaces to sleep in workshops, baths and wherever one could. During the year in which the City of Towers has been conquered, the North Ward has become a home for many. The edges of the North Ward are guarded by Sceyan soldiers, and the camp of the Devotion Legion is near the edges.
The Imperial Quarter
The center of the city, around the old kaleite towers, is dedicated to camp for the Conquest Legion and most of the Sceyans. It is from here that the war itself is prosecuted, and incoming supplies from ships via Allexanderburg are offloaded at port here. Large areas of the city here is still destroyed from the mudslide that precipitated the imperial assault on the city, so walking outside the imperial camp can be treacherous and dangerous.
The Hobgoblin Quarter
A group of hobgoblins, bought and paid for by professor Winter, make their camp in the south of the city. Here they are the first line of defence against githzherai incursions into the city. Few humans walk this quarter unless they absolutely must, but the knight legions strike out from this area to make their war in the mountains.
Founding Date
25 000
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