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Abah Bazaar


  • Humans: 80%
  • Half-Elves: 10%
  • Dwarves: 5%
  • Other (including Halflings, Tieflings, and Gnomes): 5%


Governing Body: The Abah Council, a group of five elected representatives, each overseeing a different aspect of the town (trade, law, defense, agriculture, and magic).   Head of the Council: Rehan Al-Farid, a respected merchant and the de facto leader, known for his fair judgment and deep connections with desert traders.   Law Enforcement: The city guard, known as the Sand Sentinels, patrols the town and maintains order, led by Captain Laila Darwish.

Industry & Trade

  • Primary Exports: Spices, textiles, desert glass, rare herbs, and minerals.
  • Primary Imports: Foodstuffs, metal, wood, and luxury items from across the continent.
  • Craftsmanship: Renowned for its high-quality textiles and intricate metalwork, especially in creating tools and weapons adapted to desert life.


Housing: A mix of adobe houses, tents, and wooden structures. Wealthier citizens live in sturdier stone houses, often with shaded courtyards.   Water Supply: A series of wells and a large central cistern that stores water brought in from nearby oases.   Roads: The main thoroughfares are paved with sandstone, while smaller streets are compacted dirt.   Walls: Low stone walls surround the bazaar, offering minimal defense but serving as a boundary marker.


  • Bazaar District: The heart of the settlement, a sprawling market where traders from across the desert come to sell their goods. It's a labyrinth of stalls, tents, and small shops, with everything from spices to silks.
  • Residential District: Where most of the town's inhabitants live. The buildings are closely packed, and the streets are narrow, creating a maze-like atmosphere.
  • Artisan Quarter: Home to blacksmiths, weavers, and other craftsmen. The air is filled with the sounds of hammers on anvils and the smell of dye and leather.
  • Temple Square: A serene area with small temples and shrines to various gods, including the Unconquered Sun, favored by the town’s more traditional inhabitants.
  • Desert Gate: The southernmost part of the town, where caravans from the desert enter. This area is bustling with activity as goods are unloaded and traders prepare for the journey back into the sands.

Guilds and Factions

  • Merchant Guild: Controls the flow of trade within the bazaar, ensuring fair practices and organizing caravans. Led by Azim Khalid, a shrewd and influential merchant.
  • Artisan Guild: Represents the town’s craftsmen, negotiating prices and commissions for their work. Headed by Anwar Zayd, a master blacksmith.
  • The Desert Roses: A secretive group of scouts and spies who protect the town from desert threats, led by the enigmatic Zara Al-Rashid.
  • The Order of the Sand: A small but powerful group of mages who study the arcane properties of the desert. They maintain a secluded tower on the outskirts of town.


Founding: Abah Bazaar was established over two centuries ago by a group of desert nomads who settled near a reliable oasis and river bed. The town grew quickly as a trading hub due to its strategic location on the trade routes.   Growth: The settlement expanded as more merchants and craftsmen moved in, attracted by the bustling market. The construction of the central cistern marked a significant milestone, ensuring a steady water supply even during dry spells.   Recent Events: The town has recently faced increased pressure from desert bandits and rival trading cities, leading to the formation of the Desert Roses. Despite these challenges, Abah Bazaar remains a thriving hub of commerce and culture.

Points of interest

  • The Great Bazaar: A vibrant and chaotic market, full of color, sound, and the smell of exotic spices. It’s the town’s lifeblood, with merchants selling goods from all over the world.
  • The Sun’s Embrace Temple: A large, sunlit temple dedicated to the God of light Felotl, with golden mosaics and a central altar that shines with sunlight even on the cloudiest days.
  • The Oasis Garden: A lush, green area within the town where inhabitants can relax. It's a small paradise in the middle of the desert, filled with palm trees, flowers, and fountains.
  • The Sand Sentinel Barracks: The headquarters of the town’s guards, a sturdy building near the Desert Gate where new recruits are trained.
  • The Whispering Dunes: A stretch of desert just outside the town, known for its eerie, whispering winds. It’s rumored to be haunted, but also holds hidden treasures.


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