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Adheath was once a marvel of technological advancement, driven by the power of the goddess stone. Unlike other cities that focused on magic, Adheath harnessed this divine energy to create a society where technology flourished and the presence of Bhita, the goddess of art, commerce, and modernization was extremely strong in the depths of the city. The city was a blend of sleek modernity and innovative engineering, featuring advanced infrastructure and conveniences that were unseen in the continent. Moderinzation was key to the heart of the city and they created systems to maintain their currencies, transportation, and general conveniences for everyday life. Once the fall happened and the chaos errupted most of the citizens of the city fled to neighboring lands to readjust to their lives; however, the ones that remained are constantly fighting street wars for power and land grabs.


With the fall happening the city is now governed by a number of factions and groups that are infighting for control.    The Survivor Coalition: A group of former city officials, engineers, and scientists who banded together to maintain some level of order and security in the city. They focus on preserving the remaining technology and ensuring the safety of the survivors. This group is ran by Dr. Gareth Voss who once was a chief engineer and is dedicated to restoring some of the city's capabilities and ensuring that resources are used effectively.    The Technocratic Syndicate: A faction of former tech enthusiasts and engineers to seek to control the city's remaining assets. They have established a more militarized approach to governing their section. The leader of the syndicate is Talon Thorne who has complete control over the black market for the remaining components that can be utilized as weaponry and tools sold to other cities.    The Nomads: A once small (now larger) group of people who have settled in the outskirts of the city and in the more defensible areas. This group is comprised of previous citizens of the city as well as adventurers that have come together to create a commune that has eventually grown into a self sufficient community.    The Free Traders: They are a group loosely put together scavengers, traders, and entrepeneurs who operate independently of the warring factions and governance. They seek out old tech parts and other valuable items where they trade it off as components to the more magical cities in the west.


Central District: 
  • In the center of the city lies the tower of progress. It was once the city's tallest and most impressive structure, this building housed the central control systems for Adheath's technology. Now, it stands as a monumental, decayed relic of the city's former glory.
  • Next to the tower of progress there lies a large open space called the nexus plaza where the city's major technological innovations were once showcased. Now, it's a crumbling square with remnants of old advertisements and broken electronic displays.
  Residential Areas:  
  • Across most of the residental areas are high-rise apartment buildings that housed the city's elite and tech specialists. Many of these buildings are now abandoned and in disrepair, with broken windows and overgrown balconies.
  • In a separate area on the other side of the city was the gears district. It was a residential and industrial area where technological components were manufactured and assembled. The area is now filled with rusted machinery and derelict factories.
  Commercial Zones:  
  • Once a bustling marketplace simply known as "the market" filled with tech gadgets and electronic goods, it now lies in ruins, with shattered storefronts and empty stalls.
  • A shopping district known just known as "the row" for its advanced electronic stores, now featuring darkened, dusty storefronts with faded signage.
  • A massive power plant that once generated the city's electricity and other energy needs. It now stands silent, with broken machinery and a sense of desolation.


Adheath was founded centuries ago as a hub for technological research and development. Early pioneers in engineering and science discovered ways to harness the power of the goddess stones, which enabled rapid advancements. Over time, the city became a beacon of technological progress, with innovations like running water, street lights, electricity, cars, cell phones, radio, and television becoming commonplace.   Approximately ten years ago, the goddess stone that powered Adheath's technology went dark. Without the stone's divine energy, all technological systems failed, plunging the city into chaos. The once-thriving metropolis fell into disrepair, its advanced infrastructure becoming a shadow of its former self.


Many street lights are still standing but no longer function. Some are broken or hanging precariously. Neon signs and advertisements flicker intermittently or are completely dark. The remains of abandoned cars and trains are scattered throughout the city, now overgrown with vegetation or rusted beyond repair. The automated traffic systems are inoperative, leaving the streets eerily empty. There have been clean up efforts over the past years moving the metallic structures away from when they stopped in the streets and have created massive junkyards next to newly set up smithys that are slowly reforging the metals into more usable assets.


  • Nauquan - Adheath
The population that remains consists of mostly human with some halfing and gnomes. The key remains of their economic activities are forms of bartering and trading salvaged goods and technology. With the collapse of the systems that ran the city, their monetary systems have largely broken down.

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