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Bammery Falls

Bammery Falls is a once-thriving resort town nestled next to a stunning waterfall that flows into a pristine lake, with the tranquil Grenbel Woods just across the waters. Before the fall of the Abericlase ten years ago, this town was renowned for its natural beauty and drew visitors from far and wide. However, after the catastrophic event, Bammery Falls had to shift from being a luxurious tourist destination to a resilient settlement, adapting to harsher times while still holding on to remnants of its former charm.


  • Population: 2,500 (Before the Fall: 6,500)
  • Races: Primarily human (55%), elf (20%), halfling (10%), dwarves (5%), and a mixture of other races (10%).
  • Economic Status: The economic divide has grown sharper in the last decade. A smaller, wealthier class clings to what remains of the old tourism industry, while a growing working class is involved in fishing, logging, and survival trades.


  • Leader: Mayor Faelan Brightworth (human), a former resort manager who took on leadership after the fall.
  • System: The town operates under a council system, with representatives from different industries (fishing, logging, trade, etc.) guiding major decisions.
  • Law & Order: A small guard force keeps the peace. They operate out of the Falls Barracks, a well-maintained building that once served as a security post for wealthy tourists.

Industry & Trade

  • Tourism: While not as prominent, a niche tourism trade still exists. Adventurers and scholars come to explore the Scar and its mysterious effects.
  • Crafting: Artisans who once catered to tourists now make practical tools, simple luxuries, and repairs for the town's residents.
  • Fishing: The lake provides abundant freshwater fish that are traded with nearby settlements.


  • Waterfall & Lake Access: The once-famous Bammery Falls Waterway now powers rudimentary mills for fishing and woodcutting operations.
  • Town Center: The main square, Cascade Plaza, still retains some of its pre-fall beauty with stone pathways, old fountains, and open markets.
  • Residential Areas: The wealthier class lives in the Lakefront Estates, while the common folk live in Brookside, a humble area near the mills.


  • Lakefront Estates: The upscale district overlooking the lake. Many of the grand vacation homes are still intact, though some have been abandoned or repurposed.
  • Brookside: Where the majority of the population lives. Small cottages, workshops, and fishery operations are common.
  • The Shallows: A new district that sprung up after the fall, near the edges of Grenbel Woods. It is a rougher part of town where many workers, refugees, and adventurers have settled.
  • Falls Barracks: Houses the town’s small guard force and a few of the remaining wealthy families that maintain their status.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Cascade Guild: Originally a hospitality guild, now it oversees trade and tourism activities. They attempt to restore Bammery Falls’ former glory.
  • The Guardians of the Scar: An unofficial faction of explorers, mages, and adventurers who seek to understand and explore the Scar.


Bammery Falls was founded 120 years ago when wealthy nobles discovered the natural beauty of the area. It became a favored vacation spot, with the waterfall and lake offering serenity. However, the fall of the Abericlase, a mysterious cataclysm that occurred ten years ago, devastated the local economy. Many fled, but those who stayed have adapted to the more rugged lifestyle.

Points of interest

  • Bammery Falls: The waterfall is still a breathtaking sight, though now it serves a more practical purpose, powering the town’s mills.
  • The Old Lighthouse: A tall, crumbling structure overlooking the lake, it once guided boats and pleasure cruisers. Now, it's a lookout for anyone approaching from the Scar.
  • The Pearl’s Rest: An upscale inn-turned-tavern. Once it hosted the rich and powerful, now it's a gathering place for locals and travelers alike.

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