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Bundushur, The Floating City of Magic

"In the dance of the arcane, knowledge is the rhythm and magic is the melody. Only by mastering both can one truly understand the symphony of the cosmos." - Arcanis the Wise

City Culture, Religeon, and Events:

  One of the biggest celebrations in the known continent is the festival of lights. Each year to celebrate a bountiful harvest during the harvest moon citizens display their magical talents in a giant show of lights and illusions that can been seen across most of the lands. Although they are a city of magic, they still have an understanding of farming and the need to provide magical assitance to those below the city as well to provide food for above. In the city Hydall the god of the arcane is prominent, Ilmos the god of nature still holds relevance across most of the lands. Just before the fall there were only 8 known schools of magic; however, due to the appearance of undeath the school of necromancy has opened and the arch mage over this school has only been appointed for a couple of years now.  

Notable Locations:

  The Grand Spire: The seat of the Arcanum Council and the city's administrative heart. The Arcane Athenaeum: The largest library in Bundushur, housing ancient tomes and scrolls of immense power and knowledge. The Floating Chalice: A popular tavern and inn where adventurers and scholars gather to share stories and knowledge.


Bundushur was founded over a millennium ago by a coalition of powerful wizards and sorcerers seeking a sanctuary dedicated to the study and advancement of magic. Led by the legendary archmage Arcanis the Wise, he chose a secluded location atop a mystical nexus of ley lines, amplifying the city's magical potential and capabilities. Back when the city was new and the continent was still being ravaged by raiders and bandits Arcanis realized that it did not offer the necessary protection that was required in order to achieve his dream. it was around this time that he created his single most greatest magical achievement, the levistone and was able to ascend the entire city into the air utilizing powerful levitation magic around 500 years ago.   These ancient crystals are anchored to key points within the city and are maintained by the Arcanum Council's dedicated mages. The levitation magic taps into the ley lines' energy, creating a stable and sustainable floating effect. In recent years and after the passing of Arcanis, runic infrastructure was put in place that was carved into the city's foundation, ensuring even distribution of levitation magic and maintaining structural integrity along with dedicated arcane generators that harness ambient magical energy from the surrounding ley lines and environment to power the levistones and the essential functions of the city.   As the city stands today, it is a place of wonder and awe, where magic is as common as breathing. The air hums with arcane energy, and the streets are lined with shimmering lights and enchanting sights. Citizens take pride in their magical heritage, and the pursuit of knowledge is a celebrated endeavor. It attracts students, scholars, and adventurers from across the world, all eager to learn from its archives and esteemed institutions. The streets are lit by floating orbs of light, and transportation is often provided by enchanted carriages that glide through the air. Public fountains are enchanted to provide clean water, and street performers use minor illusions and cantrips to entertain passersby. Citizens use minor magical items in their daily routines, such as self-cleaning clothes and self-preparing meals. The city is ruled by the Arcanum council who each oversee a spire that branches off of the grand spire.


The primary points of commerce are: Education and Research, Magical goods trade and commerce, and security. The city is home to numerous academies and libraries where aspiring mages and scholars dedicate their lives to studying various magical disciplines. Magical goods and services are the primary commodities. Markets bustle with vendors selling enchanted items, rare components, and exotic potions. The city is heavily guarded by magical wards and a dedicated force of arcane protectors, ensuring peace and safety for all inhabitants. In turn of this, these protectors also have trainees that serve as mercenaries or body guards for transport outside of the city.


  • Nauquan: Bundushur - The Floating City of Magic
The city is led by a group of nine powerful archmages called the Arcanum Council. Each member specializes in a different school of magic, ensuring a balanced and well-rounded leadership. The council meets in the Grand Spire, a towering structure made of enchanted crystal at the center of the city. The members of the Arcanum Council are as follows:  
  • Archmage Lyrandis (Transmutation) - High Elf
  • Archmage Vaelis (Evocation) - Fire Genasi
  • Archmage Elowen (Conjuration) - Half-Elf
  • Archmage Thalindra (Abjuration) - Human
  • Archmage Fenrik (Divination) - Gnome
  • Archmage Morrigan (Necromancy) - Tiefling
  • Archmage Jorvyn (Illusion) - Halfling
  • Archmage Aelar (Enchantment) - Half-Orc
  • Archmage Zara (Alchemy) - Dwarf
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