BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dart was created by REDACTED as a means to an end. They poured all of their heart, time, and money into creating the perfect creature to save their world. The inspiration came when REDACTED realized that they had been bound to a Fae spirit. They aren't sure what attracted the spirit to them, but they realized that their life would likely never be normal again after the third month in a row where the cashier of a shop they were in listened to their joke that their item must be free if it's missing a price tag.   Maybe it was their carefree nature or natural elven charm that attracted the spirit. Perhaps they had said something to an archfey without realizing it. Maybe their grandparents had gotten freaky on the other side of the veil. Either way, they didn't know what to make of this spirit until the bubble burst.   Without the protection REDACTED had grown up relying upon, they were not their normal self. They were panicked. Their friends had asked them to assist their respective groups as they fought back against the tide of darkness. They wanted to go except for one tiny problem. They were a coward. Nothing in their learning of the fae, magic, or history could make them strong enough to overcome such an obstacle.   REDACTED used the empty facilities of brave researchers who had gone off and died for their own experiments. They had to figure out how to effectively communicate with SPIRIT in order to figure out how to harness it. That's what they thought at least.   Stumbling upon some discarded research left by a now dead colleague, REDACTED had a breakthrough. A binding ritual that would allow them to bring the SPIRIT near into an open vessel.   REDACTED acted quickly to gather up materials that could create a deadly hunter designed to kill effectively from range and without need of anyone else. This way they could prevent so much more death.   REDACTED didn't have such expertise or such funding. They scraped together the resources hoping that it would be enough. They wanted a vessel that could fly and act quietly with magics that would render the enemy harmless while it dealt a killing blow from afar.   The day finally arrived. REDACTED had created a nearly perfect vessel, but it was not large enough to pass for a true threat to the enemy. REDACTED had no other options as the next ceremony of chosen was coming up. They performed the ritual in their singsong trill of a voice.   That's the day Dart was born. Dart the Savior. Dart was the size of a hawk with a straight beak and blue plumage. Dart was filled with a fae spirit that made up most of its substance, so you can see through Dart if it is not cloaked or covered by anything else.   As Dart is a spiritual being, it doesn't molt or age as a normal hawk nor does it look like any hawk REDACTED had ever seen. The most impressive thing about Dart that REDACTED hadn't intended, was that Dart had gained a voice. A beautiful singsong voice that seemed to carry two or three voices in harmony. A voice so sharp it could cut or heal when it deemed necessary.   Dart and REDACTED spent the next few months in study and training. Dart's combat capabilities weren't what REDACTED expected, but they felt it could be fixed with training. They brought in teachers, mentors, and colleagues from LOCATION REMOVED to train this creature that seemed to be a powerful tool in the fight against the darkness.   Dart had retained much of its knowledge from its time as a spirit even if it didn't remember how it knew such a thing. Unimportant things, knowledge from a hundred years ago, maps of the world both material and fae, and more seemed to be accessible to Dart, but it didn't seem to remember being a spirit or why it was bound to REDACTED.   Dart was truly alien but not fully fae. Since the tools of this world has failed, perhaps Dart stood a chance. Dart was put forth as a champion by REDACTED and the LOCATION REMOVED for consideration to undertake the next attack against the darkness.   Information for DM: REDACTED is a woman who works as a mage at one of the colleges or research labs. Dart has had his memory of her removed from him to prevent the dark forces from finding her as her knowledge is now being put to use creating a bigger Dart vessel that they hope to either move this spirit into or trap another spirit.   The reason Dart has more than one voice is that it is actually made of three entities. Two children lost to the feywild. One of these is the younger brother of REDACTED who was stolen to the feywild and died with a friend. These two souls bound together, and with the memory of his sister, found REDACTED. The third entity is REDACTED's inner child. The loss of her little brother created a rift in her soul which allowed Dart to bond to it. This rift was her inner child that died as surely as her brother died.   Dart has no knowledge of this nor even the name of his creator or where he came from. They know who he is and will likely be keeping tabs however.


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