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Drarlodh Wizein

Drarlodh is the headmaster of the Kixelts school and was appointed by Gror Nozisk from the city of Trosell. Drarlodh was a secretive man even among the drow; however, he was an exceptional sorcerer and found himself being almost outcasted against his people due to his unique nature and abilities. His only friend growing up was the eccentric Velstryn Morthil who was known as the legendary acrachnomancer that could stare into the web of fate and provide guidance to the priestess of Lloth. Drarlodh found peace within this existance and soon rose up the ranks, serving under Ilvara; however, he still wanted more as the years passed by. Eventually, he began moving towards the surface and became known by Gror due to circumstances guided by Velstryn with the hopes of building a bridge of trade and prosperity for his people and those on the surface.    Velstryn was betrayed. Drarlodh sold his people out to Gror and the mind flayers and gave them the key to the back door that allowed them to set up their facility there. With very little time, the drow had become thralls of the mind flayers while Drarlodh who was now headmaster of the school offered magical blood transfusions to those who had the money for it. With the mind flayers blocking off the surface exits into the top world, the drow were cut off and found themselves struggling for survival in the underdark.

Dean of Kixelts

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