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Hacuito is a radiant city nestled within the heart of the arid desert, where the relentless sun beats down upon golden sands. The city is an oasis of life and light, blessed by Felotl, the god of light. It stands as a beacon of hope and a center of worship, with its grand temples and sun-soaked plazas. The architecture is a blend of sandstone and marble, with buildings adorned with intricate carvings that depict the stories of Felotl and his divine light. Despite the harsh environment, Hacuito thrives due to its abundant access to underground water sources and the divine favor it receives from Felotl.


  • Humans: 50% - The largest population group, humans in Hacuito are primarily traders, farmers, and artisans.
  • Dwarves: 25% - Many dwarves in the city work as blacksmiths and craftsmen, contributing to the city's renowned metalwork.
  • Elves: 15% - The elves of Hacuito are often scholars, priests of Felotl, or merchants dealing in rare goods.
  • Genasi (Fire and Earth): 5% - These elemental beings are drawn to the city’s heat and work in both the forges and the fields.
  • Tieflings: 5% - A small but notable population, often involved in trade, magic, or as mercenaries.


Mayor Marisella Verdan: The city's leader, Marisella Verdan, is known for her wisdom and dedication to the people of Hacuito. She is a devout follower of Felotl and ensures that the city's laws and policies reflect the god's teachings. Under her leadership, the city has prospered, maintaining its status as a beacon of light in the desert. Marisella is known for her fair but firm governance, balancing the needs of the various districts and ensuring that the city's resources are distributed equitably. She often consults with the council of elders, a group of respected citizens from various districts, before making major decisions. Her strong connection to the Sunspire Temple ensures that the city remains spiritually aligned with Felotl, with many of her policies aimed at promoting harmony, justice, and prosperity.

Industry & Trade

  • Metalwork: Hacuito is famous for its weapons and armor, crafted with skill and blessed by the light of Felotl. These items are highly sought after by warriors and nobles alike.
  • Spice Trade: The city is a major hub for the spice trade, with caravans bringing goods from across the desert and beyond.
  • Textiles: Hacuito produces fine textiles, particularly garments designed to withstand the desert heat. These are exported to other cities and lands.
  • Agriculture: Despite the harsh environment, the oasis and clever irrigation techniques allow for the growth of various crops, including date palms, citrus fruits, and medicinal herbs.
  • Alchemy and Potions: The city has a thriving trade in potions and alchemical goods, with many of its ingredients sourced from the unique flora of the desert.


  • The Sunstone District: The central district of Hacuito, home to the Sunspire Temple and the city's administrative buildings. This district is the most affluent, with wide streets and impressive architecture.
  • The Ember Quarter: A bustling area where the city's artisans, blacksmiths, and craftsmen work. It’s known for its vibrant atmosphere and the constant sound of hammers on metal.
  • The Mirage Ward: The trade district where the Market of Mirages is located. This district is always busy, with merchants and travelers moving through at all hours. The streets are narrow and winding, full of hidden corners and alleyways.
  • The Crescent Dunes: A residential area where the majority of the city's population lives. The buildings here are simple but sturdy, designed to withstand the desert’s harsh conditions.
  • The Silver Sands: A district near the city’s edge, known for its inns, taverns, and places of entertainment. Travelers often stay here, and it’s also a hub for those seeking less savory activities.


Hacuito’s history is intertwined with the god Felotl, who is said to have guided the first settlers to the oasis where the city now stands. According to legend, Felotl appeared to the nomadic tribes wandering the desert, leading them to the life-giving waters beneath the sands. The tribes united under the god’s guidance, forming the foundation of what would become Hacuito. Over the centuries, the city grew, becoming a center of worship for Felotl and a hub of trade in the region.   The history of Hacuito is also marked by conflict, as the city has had to defend itself against both natural disasters and invaders seeking to claim its resources. The most significant event in the city's history was the Great Eclipse, a period where Felotl’s light was obscured by Krorone. During this time, the city was plunged into darkness, and the people struggled to survive without the guidance of their god. It was also during this time that the neighboring Orcs decided to invade. After a long battle in days of darkness the devotion of the city's priests and the courage of its warriors kept the Orcs at bay until  Felotl’s light returned stronger than ever. With the sun back on their side, they were able to push back the invaders back to the east. This event is now commemorated annually with the Festival of the Sun, where the city celebrates the return of light and life to Hacuito.

Points of interest

  • The Sunspire Temple: The grandest structure in Hacuito, this temple is dedicated to Felotl, the god of light. Made of shimmering sandstone and adorned with intricate carvings, it is the spiritual heart of the city. The temple’s spire reflects the sun's rays, creating a beacon of light visible from miles away.
  • The Oasis of Sólara: A natural spring in the heart of the city, surrounded by lush vegetation. This oasis is a vital water source and a place of rest and reflection. It’s said that the waters of the oasis have healing properties, blessed by Felotl himself.
  • The Market of Mirages: A sprawling bazaar where traders from across the desert and beyond come to sell their goods. The market is famous for its spices, textiles, and rare artifacts. It’s also a place of many hidden secrets, where deals are made in the shadows.
  • The Radiant Forge: A blacksmithing district known for crafting some of the finest weapons and armor in the land, blessed by the light of Felotl. The heat from the forges is intense, and it’s said that the weapons forged here never dull.
  • The Eternal Gardens: Located within the city's walls, these gardens are a marvel of desert agriculture, showcasing a variety of plants that thrive in the harsh environment. The gardens are a symbol of Hacuito’s resilience and ingenuity.


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