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Kixelts - Academy of the Arcane

Almost always overcast, the surrounding area of the school is nearly in constant rain. A climate favorable to some, unfavorable to others, and a landscape that amplifies the rainy side of this climate are all that's needed for the city to be almost continuously under the spell of rain. The city makes full use of the rain though. From water transportation systems to areas with musical effects from the raindrops, and from farm irrigation systems to aquaculture. The school utilizes the warm and cool air from both regions near them to generate constant waterpower and has opened an artificing section in the school to assist with this.   The streets and sidewalks are adorned with lights powered by thousands of water currents that channel beneath the city. Towards the center of the area of the school, a large tower rises up into the air and around halfway up the tower a large, magical dome is channeled out and gracefully meets the the walls that protect the school. Along the walls are hundreds of irrigation systems that funnel the water down into the ground and feed the water currents underneath the city. The main roads through the city are by flat vessels that utilize the currents to transports students and workers to their destination.   The top half of the wizard's tower is covered in wind turbines and large waterwheels on the side, catching rain in the massive troughs that surround the sides of the tower. A few rooms extend outwards from the tower and seem to hang off with flickering lights and metallic objects. These are the bard schools and they are surrounded by musical intrustments that make the use of the water from drums and bells to channels operated by miniature dams.    Throughout the city are armed guards that are either adventurers or previous students themselves. Some students take a position as a guard to help pay for their tuition into the school or to get a leg up by doing community service; however, primary leader of the guards is also the blade singing combat leader Ozmus. While it isn't uncommon for some students to take advantage of a position of power, the last thing that they want to do is be on Ozmus's bad side.   Outside of the protection of the dome resides the Hydro Power Plants that allow for all power to be generated through the city, utilizing electricity that enables the city to be lit up when the sun goes down. Parts of the city stay vibrant all throughout the night as researches continue their works into early morning twilight. On the other outskirts of the wall lives an elder, druid tortle named Azarath who utilizes all of the overflow from the dome to irrigate and grow all of the food needed for the school to survive. Meat is considered a delicacy and outside of desert creatures, it has to be ported in outside of fish.   There is a constant barrage of vessels coming in from Crosela delivering magical components from their farms.   The leader of the school/town is a Drow named Drarlodh Wizein who suggested the artificer school and has set up internships in Trosall.

Articles under Kixelts - Academy of the Arcane


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