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Mili Alora


Mili Alora is nestled deep within the heart of the Whispering Woods, a vast and ancient forest within the elven territory of Nocturnis. The dungeon is buried beneath the forest floor, accessible only through a hidden entrance camouflaged by dense foliage and ancient trees. The forest itself is an intricate maze of towering oaks and twisted vines, with a thick canopy that allows only slivers of moonlight to reach the ground. Streams of crystal-clear water wind through the woods, fed by underground springs that run through the dungeon's many chambers. The dungeon lies within a natural depression in the forest floor, surrounded by steep, moss-covered cliffs. The entrance is a massive stone archway, carved with ancient runes and overgrown with creeping ivy. Within, the dungeon descends into the earth, with winding corridors and vast halls that have stood the test of time.


The Whispering Woods is a place of unparalleled beauty and mystery. The forest is alive with the sounds of nature, from the rustle of leaves to the calls of unseen creatures. However, the presence of Mili Alora has a profound effect on the ecosystem. The dungeon is a focal point of dark energy, and its influence has seeped into the surrounding environment, warping the natural balance of the forest. In the areas closest to the dungeon, the trees grow gnarled and twisted, their bark darkened as if scorched by shadow. The underbrush is thick with thorny brambles, and strange fungi, glowing with an eerie blue light, sprout from the forest floor. The air is cooler near the dungeon, with a faint, ever-present mist that clings to the ground.

Localized Phenomena

Since the corruption of Mili Alora, the Whispering Woods has been plagued by strange and unsettling phenomena. The most prominent is the occurrence of "Shadow Veils," thin, almost imperceptible curtains of darkness that drift through the forest. These veils appear without warning, swallowing light and sound, and those who pass through them experience visions of the dungeon's past or future.   Another phenomenon is the "Eclipse Flowers," rare and beautiful blooms that only open under the light of the full moon. These flowers are said to be touched by Krorone herself, and their petals shimmer with an ethereal light. However, those who attempt to pick them often find themselves lost in the woods, led astray by whispered voices and fleeting shadows.   The animals of the forest have also been affected. Normally peaceful creatures have become more aggressive, especially at night. Wolves with eyes that glow like embers stalk the woods, and owls with feathers as black as pitch silently watch from the treetops. Even the insects seem larger and more menacing, with swarms of fireflies that light up the night with an ominous, blood-red glow.

Fauna & Flora

  • Twilight Oaks: Ancient trees that dominate the Whispering Woods, their massive roots forming natural tunnels and passageways. Their bark is a deep purple, and their leaves turn silver under the moonlight.
  • Eclipse Flowers: Rare blooms that open only during a full moon. Their petals are iridescent, shifting in color from silver to deep blue. They are believed to hold magical properties, though they are dangerous to harvest.
  • Nightshade Vines: Thick, black vines that creep along the forest floor and up the trees. They exude a toxic sap that can cause hallucinations in those who touch it.
  • Shadow Wolves: A breed of wolves that have been touched by the dark energy of Mili Alora. They are larger than normal wolves, with glowing eyes and fur that seems to absorb light.
  • Moon Owls: Silent hunters of the night, these owls have pitch-black feathers and piercing white eyes. They are sacred to Krorone and are believed to be her messengers.
  • Luminous Moths: Large, glowing insects that flutter through the forest at night. Their light is said to guide travelers to safety, but they can also lead them deeper into the woods if they stray too far from the path.


Mili Alora was once a place of reverence, a temple built to honor Krorone, the goddess of the night and dark. The elves of Llanfyll would come to the temple to offer their prayers and seek guidance from the goddess. It was a place of quiet contemplation where the boundaries between the material world and the realm of shadows were thin.   However, ten years ago something went wrong. The exact cause is still unknown, but the corruption of Mili Alora occurred when the goddess stone went dark. The dark energy that was once contained within the temple began to seep out warping the dungeon and the surrounding forest. The elves inside the temple perished almost immediately and those that came to investigate decided sealing its entrance was the best course of action to leave it to decay.   Over the years, the dungeon's corruption has only grown stronger. The once peaceful Whispering Woods have become a place of danger, and the elves now avoid the area, warning travelers of the dangers that lurk within. Despite this, some still seek out Mili Alora, drawn by the promise of ancient knowledge or the desire to test their strength against the dungeon's dark inhabitants and reawaken the stone.

"Beware the shadows that linger in Mili Alora, for within its depths, even the night fears what it has become."


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