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Milvelin is a city unlike any other in the elven territories, located deep within the heart of a mystical, ancient forest. The city is renowned for its breathtaking beauty, magical architecture, and unique connection to the Feywild, which has caused the very fabric of reality to bend and twist in this place. Here, the boundaries between the natural world and the magical realm are blurred, leading to phenomena and features that are as extraordinary as they are beautiful.


Races: Predominantly elves, with a significant number of half-elves, gnomes, and a few fey creatures who have chosen to reside permanently in the material plane.   Culture: The culture of Milvelin is deeply tied to magic and art. Music, dance, and other forms of artistic expression are an integral part of daily life. The city's close relationship with the Feywild has imbued the citizens with a strong sense of creativity, playfulness, and unpredictability. Although they are still tied directly to Krorone, they do not seek the worship of the moonweaver as the other cities do.


Governing Body: The Council of the Verdant Moon governs Milvelin. The council consists of five members, each representing different aspects of elven life—nature, magic, trade, defense, and the fey.   Current Leader: Maelis Thalanor, the Archmage, leads the council with her wisdom and deep understanding of the arcane arts.

Industry & Trade

Exports: Milvelin is known for its enchanted wood, rare herbs, and exquisite feycraft items, such as clothing, jewelry, and art.   Trade: The city has strong trade ties with other elven cities and even the Feywild. Trade with the Feywild brings in exotic goods, but also has its risks, as the fey are known for their tricky deals.


Architecture: The buildings of Milvelin are a blend of natural and magical design. Towers made of living trees, homes built into the trunks of ancient oaks, and streets that glow with bioluminescent moss are common sights. The city is famous for its floating gardens, where entire orchards and flowerbeds drift through the air, suspended by magic.   Transportation: Instead of traditional roads, Milvelin's main thoroughfares are made of shimmering bridges of light that connect the treetop dwellings and platforms. Citizens often use enchanted gliders or winged creatures to travel between different levels of the city.


  • Feylight District: The heart of Milvelin, where the influence of the Feywild is strongest. Here, reality is fluid, and the environment constantly shifts. Streets might lead to different locations depending on the time of day, and flowers bloom in impossible colors.
  • Aetherwalk District: A district dedicated to magic and learning. It is home to the Aetheric Academy, a grand institution where elven mages study and experiment with magic. The district is also known for its Arcane Market, where one can find rare spell components, enchanted items, and fey bargains.
  • Silversong District: The cultural center of the city, where music and art reign supreme. This district houses the Eternal Symphony Hall, a concert hall where music never stops, with performances that blend sound, light, and illusion.
  • Emerald Grove: A district dedicated to nature and harmony. Here, druids, rangers, and those connected to the natural world live and work. The Grove of Echoes, a massive, ancient tree in the center, is said to hold the memories of the forest itself.


Milvelin was founded over a thousand years ago by a group of elves who were drawn to the unique magical energies of the forest. The city grew slowly, with its founders carefully nurturing the balance between the natural and magical. The discovery of a permanent gateway to the Feywild deep within the forest gave the city its distinct character and established it as a place where the material and fey realms converge.   Over the centuries, Milvelin has faced numerous challenges, including incursions from dark fey, magical plagues, and attempts by outside forces to exploit the city's resources. Each time, the citizens of Milvelin have relied on their deep connection to magic and the fey to protect their home.

Points of interest

  • The Veil of Illusions: A mysterious and ever-changing forest within the city that only the bravest or most foolish dare to enter. It is said that within its depths, one can find hidden treasures or be lost forever in illusions.
  • The Feywild Gate: A shimmering portal that leads directly to the Feywild. The gate is guarded and only opens under specific circumstances, but its presence influences the city, causing unpredictable magical effects.
  • The Whispering Spires: Tall towers that reach into the sky, where the city's greatest mages live and study. The spires are said to communicate with each other through whispers carried by the wind, sharing knowledge and secrets.
  • The Starlight Pool: A serene, enchanted pool where the water reflects the night sky, even during the day. It is a place of meditation and prophecy, where the city's oracles come to receive visions.

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