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Prul is a bustling gnomish city located on the central coast of the continent. Its proximity to the Corside Mine and the Crowned Turtle Woods has shaped its development and culture. Influenced heavily by the goddess Stone, Prul was once renowned for its advanced technology and unique power sources.


The city consists of mostly gnomes with some humans, dwarves, and even a few elves.


The city is governed by the Council of Stone, comprising the city’s most influential gnome technocrats and clerics of Bhita. The Council operates on a blend of technocratic and theocratic principles, focusing on technological advancement while guided by divine influence from the goddess of modernization.   Major Political Figures:
  • Chief Engineer Thoren Grimspark
  • High Priestess Seris Melior

Industry & Trade

  • Primary Industries: Mining (Corside Mine), technology, engineering, and magical artifacts.
  • Key Exports: Technological devices, enchanted minerals, and crafted artifacts.


Central District: The heart of Prul, where the city’s political and technological core resides. It’s known for its striking architecture, combining ornate stonework with advanced mechanical features.  
  • The Grand Forge: A massive industrial complex where cutting-edge technology and magical devices are crafted. It features large furnaces, intricate machinery, and is a hub of innovation.
  • Council Hall: The seat of the Council of Stone, where political decisions are made. The building is both an administrative center and a place of religious significance.
  • Technological Institute: An educational facility dedicated to the study and development of new technologies. It hosts workshops, lecture halls, and research labs.
  Residential Districts: Sprawling neighborhoods that house the majority of Prul’s inhabitants. The architecture here is a blend of practicality and aesthetics, with homes featuring mechanical enhancements and decorative elements.  
  • Glimmerstone Quarter: A residential area known for its elegant, well-maintained homes. It is the preferred district for affluent families and senior technocrats.
  • Brassridge District: More modest housing for the city’s working-class citizens. It has a vibrant community feel and is home to many artisans and engineers.
  • Arcadian Heights: A district designed with elevated platforms and sky bridges, providing a panoramic view of the city and the surrounding bay. It’s popular among scholars and researchers.
Industrial Zone: The area dedicated to the city’s heavy industry and manufacturing. It is characterized by large factories, workshops, and mining operations.  
  • Corside Processing Plant: An expansive facility where ores from the Corside Mine are refined and prepared for use in various technologies.
  • Mechanics' Guild Hall: A central hub for artisans and engineers working on mechanical devices. It also serves as a training ground for new technicians.
  • Energy Depot: A critical infrastructure area where energy sources, both magical and mechanical, are harnessed and distributed throughout the city.
  Cultural and Leisure District: A vibrant area focused on arts, culture, and entertainment. It provides residents and visitors with a space for relaxation and enjoyment.  
  • Starlight Theater: A grand venue for performances, including plays, concerts, and magical exhibitions. It’s a cultural centerpiece for the city.
  • Verdant Plaza: A public park and marketplace where residents can enjoy greenery and shop for local goods. It’s also a social gathering spot.
  • The Gilded Tankard: A popular tavern and social club known for its lively atmosphere and entertainment. It’s frequented by locals and travelers alike.
  Temple District: An area dedicated to worship and religious activities, featuring temples and shrines related to the goddess Stone and other deities.  
  • Temple of Bhita: The primary place of worship and spiritual guidance, featuring grand architecture and intricate religious symbols.
  • Sanctuary of the Ancients: A historical site preserving ancient relics and documents related to the goddess Stone’s lore and Prul’s history.
  • Meditation Gardens: Peaceful gardens adjacent to the Temple of Stone where citizens can meditate and reflect.

Guilds and Factions

  • Gnomish Engineering Guild: Oversees technological developments and innovations.
  • The Devotees: A religious faction dedicated to the goddess Bhita, often blending faith with technology.
  • Corside Miners' Union: Represents the workers from the Corside Mine, ensuring fair labor practices.


During a particularly challenging period, the gnomes uncovered an ancient shrine in a cave to the north of the city. This shrine was believed to be the goddess stone left by Bhita, believed to be a deity of technology and modernization. The discovery marked the beginning of a profound transformation for Prul, as the gnomes began to embrace divine guidance and incorporate it into their technological advancements.   With the influence of the goddess Stone, Prul underwent a period of rapid technological growth. The gnomes developed advanced machinery, steam-powered devices, and intricate automation systems. The city’s infrastructure expanded significantly, with the establishment of the Grand Forge and a network of sky rails. Prul’s reputation as a technological marvel began to spread across the continent.   Legends of a dragon turtle inhabiting the bay near the Crowned Turtle Woods began to emerge, captivating the imagination of the city's inhabitants and visitors alike. The story of the dragon turtle, believed to lay its eggs in the bay, became a central element of Prul’s cultural identity. The legend also boosted tourism and cultural exchanges, further integrating Prul into the broader political and economic landscape.   Prul expanded its territory and influence, becoming a major hub for trade and technology. The city’s advancements in engineering and magic attracted scholars, inventors, and traders from across the continent. The Corside Mine continued to be a critical resource, fueling both the city's technological innovations and economic growth.   Today, Prul stands as a once thriving technopolis governed by the Council of Stone. The city has not quite fallen to shambles like Adheath and shows progress and resilience for Bhita. The Grand Forge still remains a symbol of Prul’s ingenuity, and the legends of the dragon turtle continue to inspire and captivate residents and visitors alike. Although the city took steps backwards they have turned towards steam technology and other more natural means rather than depending on the goddess stone since the fall. Due to the cave of the goddess stone going dark, they have renamed the area the Cove of the Vanquished as a warning and of respect for those that have attempted entry and fallen.

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