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The Bulwark Creed

"The Wall is our shield, our salvation, our freedom. To question it is to invite ruin and to betray it is to abandon hope itself."— High Custodian


The Bulwark Creed is a rigid, hierarchical organization that maintains absolute control over Nadena’s populace from the shadows. At the top sits the High Custodian, who claims insight into the Wall’s true purpose and acts as its living voice teaching those that even though the wall may seem unstable, it is a powerful shield that has protected them to this day. Beneath them are the Wardens, who oversee districts and ensure the Creed’s laws are followed. Sentinels serve as enforcers, protecting the Wall’s sanctity and punishing any dissent, while the Veilbound are a secretive group of spies who operate in the shadows, rooting out potential threats to the Creed’s control.  
  • High Custodian: The supreme leader who speaks for the Wall, responsible for setting all policies.
  • Wardens: Local commanders who oversee regions within Nadena, ensuring the Creed’s will is enforced.
  • Sentinels: Soldiers and enforcers tasked with maintaining order, protecting the Wall, and punishing heretics.
  • Veilbound: A covert group that monitors the populace, reporting and dealing with those who question the Wall.


The Bulwark Creed enforces a culture of strict devotion to the Wall, viewed as the ultimate protector of Nadena. Members undergo "Rites of Loyalty," where they reaffirm their faith through ceremonies of isolation, physical trials, and mental conditioning. The belief that the outside world is filled with untold horrors drives the Creed’s teachings, and citizens are constantly reminded that the Wall is the only thing standing between them and utter destruction.   The Creed cultivates an environment of fear and control, where questioning the Wall’s purpose is the greatest sin. Citizens are encouraged to report neighbors, family members, or friends who express doubt, leading to a society rife with suspicion. The Wardens oversee regular indoctrination ceremonies, where new members undergo harsh training to become devoted followers of the Wall.

Public Agenda

The Bulwark Creed’s public agenda is simple yet terrifying: "Protect the Wall, and the Wall will protect you." They portray themselves as the ultimate guardians of Nadena, ensuring that the town remains safe from the chaos of the outside world. The Creed organizes festivals and public gatherings to celebrate the Wall and remind the people of their duty to serve it. They maintain the illusion that anyone who speaks against the Wall is an enemy of the town and a harbinger of its destruction.


The Bulwark Creed’s ethics revolve around the unquestionable sanctity of the Wall. Their central belief is that individual desires and freedoms are secondary to the survival of Nadena. Reeducation, indoctrination, and even execution are considered necessary measures to ensure the safety of the town. The Creed believes that extreme measures are justified if they maintain the strength of the Wall and keep the people loyal. The Creed holds loyalty above all else, and any form of dissent is treated as treason. They see their harsh methods as the only way to protect Nadena, even if it means sacrificing individual lives for the "greater good."

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