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The Moonweaver's Faith

"In the dance of light and shadow, we find our path. The Moonweaver guides us, her threads binding our fate to the stars. As the moon wanes and waxes, so too must we embrace the light and the dark within us. She sees all and in her eyes we are whole. The moon's light is a promise kept, her shadow a reminder of the balance we must maintain. Under the Moonweaver's gaze, every shadow tells a story, and every ray of light offers hope. We are her tapestry, ever woven, ever true. Trust in the Moonweaver, for she weaves our destinies with care. In the silence of the night, when the moon is hidden, the Moonweaver whispers her truths. Even in darkness, her light remains."


The Moonweaver was born from a truce between the forces of light and dark, who had been locked in a cosmic battle that threatened to unravel the fabric of reality. To restore balance, they created the Moonweaver, an entity who embodies the duality of light and shadow. She now weaves the fabric of reality, moving between light and dark as a symbol of the eternal truce and the balance she maintains.   In the intricate tapestry of lore surrounding the swordbearers, a pivotal question has long lingered: How is the mantle passed to the next generation? Rejecting the simplistic notion of blades magically seeking out worthy successors, a more profound and symbolic tradition emerges through the introduction of the Truthseer.   Selection and Naming: Each swordbearer personally selects a Truthseer, who then assumes the revered name of the blade, symbolizing their commitment and connection to its legacy.   Training and Duties: Entrusted with discerning truth from falsehood, the Truthseer undergoes rigorous training under the swordbearer's guidance. In the duo's dynamic, the Truthseer serves as the judge and jury, evaluating situations and determining the course of action, while the swordbearer acts as the executioner, implementing decisions, even to the extent of delivering justice through the blade if necessary.   This mentor-protégé relationship mirrors the bonds seen between knights and squires or Jedi and padawans, emphasizing the transmission of values, skills, and responsibilities. By weaving the Truthseer into the narrative, the lore deepens, offering a structured and meaningful pathway for the succession of swordbearers, rooted in mentorship, duty, and the relentless pursuit of truth.   The ultimate question remains: Why were the moon elves were her chosen people? The answer is simple in that the dwarves would've run to their mountains, the humans to their shelters, but one little group of elves decided that they really could not do anything about whatever that thing in the night sky was that coming to destroy them all by anyone's best guesstimate. So it was, they witnessed in full the creation of that which would bring a form of balance and restoration onto the world, and were approached by Krorone in the celestial flesh. Whether or not they liked or wanted it, they were chosen by the Goddess. They would receive the first celestial promise spoken unto the creatures of this world, as she would say unto them the following:   
"No longer will the cataclysm of stars trouble you with their plight, so long as I stand to bring balance to their actions and bind them to their spoken oaths. You will act as my living word onto these lands.Your souls are now in my keeping, that no other entity may judge you in a way as to keep you from Me. Your bodies shall be given unto the world as they were made and sustained by Nature. Your minds shall belong to no one other than yourselves, that you may choose what balance is, as you are My chosen, and that you can be judged by Me as an individual, unable to hide from the truth I see in your actions. Let these be the only words you need of Me to bind. This single chain unto the world linking living and divine. Take the curse of my blessings and remember only I, Krorone, The weaver of fate, the keeper of oaths and the bringer of balance can judge you truly. Should your actions bring balance onto the world, I will take you into My embrace, and you will rest amongst the stars. Should you fail me or mislead the people of this land, I will cast you into the darkness that exists between the stars to suffer for all of time and then thereafter."


The Moonweaver’s Faith emphasizes the importance of promises and the divine consequences of breaking them. The belief is that the goddess will not tolerate passivity; her followers must act to uphold their vows. The faith teaches that our actions bring our own demons into existence, and wrongful deeds empower these shadows until they take form and hunt their creator.  
  • Full Moon: Followers rejoice in the Lady's light, celebrating with their people or dancing alone in the moonlight, embracing the joy she brings.
  • Quarter Moon: This is a time for reflection on one's actions, both good and bad. The faithful work to banish the shadows they've created and strengthen their spirit in the knowledge that all is as the Moonweaver wills it.
  • New Moon: A night of vigilance where followers must not rest, keeping their light burning to ward off the shadow of their own making, symbolizing the constant struggle between light and dark.
  A swordbearer can participate in any fight they deem to be necessary, but there is an expectation that a swordbearer proper would act in good taste and faith to ensure they are not recklessly engaging in fights they have no purpose being in and more importantly that no one draws a named blade for anything other than purification through the light and redemption in the name of their Goddess. The Truthseer can designate threats as they deem fit terminology wise, but the term “Unforgiven” is reserved for special cases where they have witnessed heinous crimes or have otherwise identified a threat to the faith that requires nothing less than death by named blade.   In the faith of Krorone, judgment operates within a strict hierarchy:
  • Krorone, the celestial goddess, can judge anyone at her discretion. However, only the Moonkeeper can judge Krorone without facing immediate annihilation.
  • The Moonkeeper can be judged by any Swordbearer and can judge anyone, including Krorone, if they dare. The Moonkeeper's power is immense, but so is the risk.
  • Swordbearers are responsible for judging their named Truthseer, fellow Swordbearers, and the Moonkeeper. While they validate their Truthseer's judgments, they generally do not judge the populace or other Swordbearers' Truthseers. Their primary role includes training their Truthseer to uphold the faith’s principles.
  • Truthseers judge the general populace and have the authority to call their Swordbearer to judgment. If a Truthseer deems their Swordbearer "Unforgiven," it can lead to a serious dilemma, challenging the very foundations of the faith's hierarchy. This situation could force the Swordbearer to choose between self-judgment or returning to the Moonkeeper for resolution.
  • This structure ensures a balance of power and accountability within Krorone's faith, though it leaves room for complex and potentially dangerous situations when conflicts arise.

Components and tools

Each blade is made with an alloy of her silvery blood, “Moon Silver”, and gives the swordbearers a weak but available connection to the wellsprings of power that is the goddess herself which allows for the forge bindings of each individual blade to be monitored by the goddess to ensure those who were trusted with such power uphold their end of this bargain, and in the times when the cruelty of Krorone comes to be known it offers the swordbearers enough of a shield against the brunt of her power to ensure that when she is done and the scales once more begin to even out, there is still something left in the world. The idea here is that there is a series of checks and balances for the Moonkeeper, Swordbearers and Truthseers, a willingness of the goddess to give of herself so that her people could also hold her accountable to maintain her promise unto them in the event that some great unbalance in the realm of the celestials were to occur.


The Moonweaver's Faith centers around three key figures: The Moonkeeper, The Star Smith, and The Sword Bearers, each representing distinct roles within the religion.   The Moonkeeper: The spiritual leader of the community, the Moonkeeper is the sole individual capable of calling upon the divine power of the Moonweaver. They perform rituals, healings, and protect the village with the goddess's blessings. The Moonweaver’s Prayer Beads, a sacred artifact passed down through generations, symbolize their connection to the goddess.   The Star Smith: A legendary figure, the Star Smith was the only non-elf to serve the Moonweaver. Tasked by the goddess herself, the Star Smith forged seven named blades, each imbued with divine purpose, and numerous lesser blades. These weapons were given to chosen warriors known as Sword Bearers, who acted as the goddess's enforcers, upholding her will and the promises made by the community. The Star Smith’s death marked the end of blade forging, making the existing weapons sacred relics.   The Sword Bearers: Sword Bearers are warriors chosen to wield the named blades, serving as the enforcers of the goddess’s will. The sword bearer title itself symbolizes the warrior chosen to be the goddess's sword while the weapon that the warrior wields is more of an extension of their own efficiencies and personality.   The Truth Seer: The Truthseer would be selected by the Swordbearer and would then assume the name of the blade as the swordbearer does. It would be the swordbearers responsibility to teach them truth from lie and to have the truthseer act as the judge and jury in the events they encounter in the world, while the swordbearer takes on the responsibility of being the executioner. Literally if required and in mere action as is deemed by the truthseer with the agreement of the swordbearer.

Primary Related Location
The "flow" of a truthseer's and Swordbearer's relationship.   

This article has no secrets.


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