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The Pilgrimage Trials

"To walk the path of the Great Pilgrimage is to embrace the trials of gods and legends. In the shadow of despair, where the light of Abericlase has faded, only the bravest hearts can hope to restore its power. Each step is a test of will, each trial a forge for heroes. Those who endure will rekindle the essence of the divine, but only if they face the darkness within and without with unyielding resolve."
    To this day not much is known regarding the Abericlase losing their power, but it is known that when it did the places of power where they were originally held fell almost instantly and only a handful of people survived during the intial turn. The great barrier that prevented undead creatures from rising and outside forces entry faded away. The technology that had once ran entire cities through the Abericlase suddenly went dark and entire cities and civiliations spiraled out of control. It was the city of Bundushur with their arcane knowledge that was able to restore some calm to the calamity that the continent faced and investigations begun soon to check on the Abericlase. Through trials and expeditions into the various temples maps were drawn out while many people were lost. These places of power began to be referred to as "dungeons" due to their corrupt nature and the surge of creatures and monsters within it. After a few years, more expeditions were sent into the "dungeons" where survivors found that their once accurate maps no longer matter. It was almost as if these places had a will of their own and had pulled influence from the lands around them, associating their power with a particular god or goddess of lore and changing their landscape over time, seemingly year over year. The one aspect that has not changed regarding the types of "dungeons" and creatures associated within the crumbling walls. Five years into it, the death toll had risen to the point where it was becoming harder and harder to find adventurers to protect cities and towns along with normal day-to-day activities so the decision was made for them to train and for the best of the best to be chosen for a group to be sent once a year.   Those that guard and secure the locations of the stones run trials as best they can to aquire information regarding the "dungeon". Typically these are more intelligence gathering roles and the fights aren't very in depth. It's a get in and get out situation to garner as much information as possible regarding the layout of the "dungeon". There are specific items that could be required in order to enter that are requested and sent for the primary party making their way to attempt purification. Those adventuerers of the chosen party may have some of the requirements gathered for specific items or materials; however, they may have to visit other cities and town across the lands that the dungeon needs. It is strange but the "dungeon" always requires items and materials that are specific to those specific lands.   Although it is an honor to be part of the primary party and certain benefits are granted throughout the lands (such as free travel and capabilities), there are those that wish to thwart the party due to the constant barrage of failures over the years fearful that the lands will never return to how they once were.


In the lands of Bundushur the Cerulea tower houses arcane puzzles, creatures born of failed experiments, and requires particular items with specific magical properties that fall under Hydall's domain.   In the domain of Adheath, it typically requires special instruments or some form of currency and creatures range from undead mercenaries to demons within the Cove of the Vanquished. All this has led many to believe that this domain was under Bhita.   In the lands of Lindorthell, it was found that specific potions and rare flowers were needed to enter and creatures ranged from various beasts to fey-like entities. Because of this, it is believed that this stone was from Ilmos that resided in Juer.   In the serene and mystical elven forest of Llanfyll, the ancient dungeon of Mili Alora lies hidden beneath the dense canopy of the Whispering Woods. This dungeon, revered and feared by the elves, is dedicated to Krorone, the goddess of the night and dark.   In the desert and sunlit lands of Hacutio, the revered dungeon of Thumrin stands as a testament to the power and grace of Felotl, the god of light. This dungeon, bathed in perpetual daylight, is a sacred place where the light of Felotl shines brightest, illuminating both truth and challenge.   In the rugged and formidable orc lands of Cabrycg, the fearsome dungeon of Vulkan Bhaz lies deep within the heart of an underground volcano. Dedicated to Angelina, the fierce goddess of war, this dungeon is a crucible where only the strongest and most cunning warriors can hope to survive.


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