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The Radiant Refuge

The Radiant Refuge is a sturdy stone building on the outskirts of Tottenham. Its exterior bears scars from the town's hardships, with makeshift repairs evident from the outside. The inn's name is a testament to the townsfolk's hope for a better future despite the ongoing crisis.     Description:    As you step inside The Radiant Refuge, you are greeted by the comforting crackle of a well-tended fireplace in the center of the common room. The walls are adorned with faded tapestries depicting the town's mining history. Dim lanterns provide a cozy ambiance, casting a warm glow over sturdy wooden tables and worn, but clean, chairs.   To one side of the common room, a small stage hosts local musicians, adding a touch of merriment to the otherwise somber atmosphere. Thalia often encourages bards passing through to share their tales and songs, lifting the spirits of the patrons.   The bar is made of polished oak, and behind it, a diverse selection of bottles and kegs line the shelves. A menu, written on a chalkboard, offers a variety of hearty stews, roasted game, and freshly baked bread. Despite the challenges, the inn manages to serve quality food thanks to Thalia's resourcefulness.   Upstairs, the rooms are simple but well-maintained. Each door bears a small brass nameplate, and the beds are adorned with warm quilts. The windows offer views of the struggling town, but the atmosphere within the inn is one of camaraderie and shared perseverance.


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