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Vrido, located just south of Lar Azrel, is the largest farming community on the continent. Despite being taken over by the orcs of Lar Azrel, it has maintained a delicate balance between conquest and cooperation. The town is now ruled by Bashuk, a wise and understanding female orc with close ties to Bula the empress of Lar Azrel. Bashuk's leadership is characterized by her understanding of the importance of peace and mutual survival, ensuring the community thrives under orc rule.


Vrido's governance is a unique blend of orcish authority and local stewardship. The town is ruled by Bashuk, a female orc who maintains close ties to Bula. Under her leadership, the town has a system of keepers, half-orcs responsible for different plots of land. These keepers ensure the land's productivity and stability, with the understanding that failure to maintain standards results in their replacement. The original farmers continue their work, paying tributes to Bashuk for protection and trade agreements. Half-orcs not serving as keepers act as bodyguards, ensuring the safety of supplies and maintaining order.


The Farmlands: Vast stretches of fertile land divided into numerous farms. Each plot is overseen by a keeper, usually a half-orc appointed by Bashuk. The keepers ensure productivity and stability, removing any that fail to meet standards.   The Market District:  A bustling area where farmers bring their produce to trade. Features stalls selling fresh vegetables, grains, and livestock. A central hub for trade routes, with half-orc bodyguards protecting supplies.   The Homesteads: Residential area for the original landowners and their families. Houses built in traditional styles, surrounded by small personal gardens. Despite the orcish rule, this district retains much of its original charm.   The Orc Quarter: The area where the orcish and half-orcish rulers and their families reside. Strong, fortified buildings designed for protection and governance. Includes Bashuk's residence and the quarters for the keepers.   The Training Grounds: An area dedicated to the training of half-orcs and orc warriors. Used for drills, combat training, and fitness regimes. Ensures the town's defenses are always prepared.


Originally, Vrido was a prosperous farming settlement known for its fertile lands and abundant harvests. Its strategic location made it a valuable asset, leading to its conquest by the orcs of Lar Azrel. Under Bashuk's leadership, the town has seen a unique blend of orcish rule and local autonomy. The original landowners were allowed to continue their farming activities, provided they paid tributes to Bashuk in exchange for protection and trade agreements. This arrangement has allowed Vrido to flourish while maintaining its agricultural heritage.

Points of interest

  • Bashuk's Residence: The central hub of governance in Vrido. A fortified building where Bashuk lives and holds court. Symbolizes the blending of orcish strength and local cooperation.
  • The Great Market: The heart of Vrido's trade activities. Farmers and traders converge here to exchange goods. Known for its vibrant atmosphere and diverse range of produce.
  • The Sacred Grove: A tranquil area revered by the locals. Used for community gatherings, celebrations, and rituals. Represents the enduring spirit of Vrido's original inhabitants.
  • The Training Grounds: A key area for the preparation of Vrido's defenders. Visitors can often see half-orcs and orcs training here. A testament to the town's readiness to protect its prosperity.


  • Brifux: Vrido

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