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This used to be an old logging town run by dwarves located on the edge of Growers Forest. The forest magically grows back every week what the loggers cut, no one knows how or why but if not cut back the forest slowly creeps into the town. Because of the magical traits surrounding the area a clan of dwarves who were forced into exile from their homes in the underdark and forced to wander the surface, searching for a new home came upon the logging town. A young Noble of the house found and rescued a wounded griffon, which (the legends say) carried him back to the griffon aerie, high up on the cliffs of the mountains. There the Dwarf found a series of shallow caves. He returned and led his clan back up the cliffs and established Zedsia that seemed to jut out of the mountain and hover in the clouds. Those who approach from the ground must make their way up perilous, winding trails with steep ascents; those coming from the sky must find their way through the thick clouds surrounding it. More dangerous still are the clan's halberdier guards, who ride their griffon mounts with unparalleled skill. Later, seekers of knowledge began to journey here and eventually it became a school for wizards. Anyone who is allowed in, however, discovers the wonder of the Caves Above The Clouds. Perhaps most notable in this is the Sunforge, a large crystal carefully positioned and enchanted to catch solar rays and focus them down for forging. Powerful magic weapons are made here (even rarer are the Lunarforged items, possible to work only during a full moon). The Cloud Dwarves, for their part, are strange mirrors of their earthbound cousins, notable for their light-blue eyes and fair skin and hair. Although standoffish and isolationist, the clan can be roused to assist in helping those below and may sometimes be seen serving as aerial mercenaries for good-aligned armies. The city is considered a holy place for their dwarven god Sharindlar.

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