Ophelia Evenbrook Colbreak Character in Gormhan | World Anvil

Ophelia Evenbrook Colbreak

Her Most Honored Eminence the Duchess Ophelia (née Al Anbar) Evenbrook Colbreak

CW: Mentions of war and parental death.   My mother hears all that is happening in the world, each moment of each day. A useful power but also a horrible curse, her ability was used by the Crathlian government during the Great War to spy on the naered. She is now the Duchess of Evenbrook.  

Personal History

Early Life

Ophelia Al Anbar Evenbrook was born into the Evenbrook Clan to Aisha Al Anbar and Brenden Evenbrook. They lived in an apartment in Catersburg. With her father as a busy private investigator, she was primarily raised by her Shabrian mother (who spoke perfectly good Crathlian due to being raised by shapeshifters) and grew up bilingual and heavily entrenched in her mother's heritage and culture. She attended public primary school in Catersburg. Her experiences there later led her to reform the duchy's school system.  

Power Surges

It was a shock to the entire nobility, but most of all her parents, when Ophelia Evenbrook tested above Everdon levels, initially at 143.93. Furthermore she had not yet surged at that point, which made it likely that her true power level was higher than that. Her father illegitmate (likely with an Amalgam father) and barely a Paragon, her mother a naturally-powerless gifted human, it was believed that she would be a Dreg. Gifted humans had never been known to pass their powers along. Then again, it had been centuries or more since a gifted human and a Paragon had had a child. The curiousity around what her power would be was obvious. Her father encouraged it, enjoying the sudden acknowledgment from the nobility who had always rejected him.  
You could divide my life into before I could hear, and after I could hear. It came on suddenly and loudly. It's hard for me to remember the before. It was peaceful, I guess, more peaceful than I knew. I took it for granted. Though it's not like I knew what was coming. Of course, you could also say the dividing line was before and after I went to Everdon. Before and after I knew I'd be a duchess. It all happened at the same time. Now that was overwhelming.
— Ophelia Evenbrook, on her early adolescence
  Around the time she began to prepare to attend Everdon Academy, sounds from all over the world descended on her uncontrollably. Though no one else could hear them, she was overwhelmed the influx of noise from Lexport to Arxaverna to Shui Lu, especially as the Supreme Emperor realized that he could speak to her. Since she was unable hear what was going on around her during one of these surges, it was suggested that her entrance to Everdon be delayed.   However, before the first term started at Everdon, she was retested and found to score at an unprecedented 150.15. This meant she was almost certainly the heir of the Evenbrook Clan for her generation, and thus needed to attend school even more than any other noble. On her father's urging, she started at the normal time, still struggling with surges. She often listened to music with headphones to cope and bring herself back into the moment.  


My mother struggled at Everdon due to her ability. In particular, political maneuvering, manners, and speech were quite difficult for her due to their immediacy and the neccessity that one be in the moment. She excelled in classes that allowed her to study visually at her own pace, such as history and literature.  

Great War

Her school struggles were worsened by the Great War's beginning in 1286, her second year at Everdon. Then, in her fourth year, her father was drafted, which gave her an auditory anchoring into the combat--she hears her loved ones much more frequently than strangers, especially when she's anxious about them. She says he told her good night anytime he went to sleep and often assured her that he was okay.   In her sixth year at Everdon, her father was taken captive by the naered and tortured for several weeks for marrying Aisha Al Anbar. They hoped to learn the location of Aisha and Ophelia, but he refused to open his mind despite the pain.   Ophelia was pulled out of Everdon due to the trauma of experiencing this through her ability, as well as to keep her safe from the naered. She spent the rest of the war feeding Crathlia as much information she could alongside her mother. She never graduated.   By the time the war was over, most of her Evenbrook relatives were dead, and she was next in line for the Duchy of Evenbrook after her grandmother Kiera Evenbrook, who currently held the title.  

Marriage and Children

Duchess Kiera arranged her granddaughter's marriage to Dissipator Alistair Redbreak Colbreak in hopes that he could help moderate her after the trauma of the war and protect her from any further naer threats. They have two children: myself, Cordelia Colbreak Evenbrook, and my brother, Gabriel Colbreak Evenbrook, who is four years younger than I.  

Ducal Inheritance

In 1308, Kiera Evenbrook suffered a major stroke and passed away, leaving the Duchy of Evenbrook to my mother. As duchess, my mother has prioritized education while also attempting to repair the fast-decaying infastructure in Catersburg.  


Contacts and Relations

My mother had few friends at Everdon Academy due to most noble families standing in solidarity with the legitimate branch of Evenbrooks who had been "robbed" of their duchy. After her father left for the warfront, however, Duncan Redbreak Colbreak and Kyle Stelworth Blackburn noticed that she seemed lonely and in need of a friend. The two future Dissipators comforted her during that dark time and remain as close as family to her.  

Family Ties

Most of the extended Evenbrook Clan at that time viewed her as a usurper, so my mother was never particuarly close to them. The other remaining branch, that of Quinn Nymphaeus Evenbrook, has repaired ties with ours and denounced the behavior of their parents and cousins. We aren't especially close, but we have a strong working relationship.   My mother was very close to her father and remains extremely close to her mother. Because of this upbringing, as well as the value that her husband's family places on family, my mother took as much a hands-on approach as possible to raising both my brother and me. Thus we are a rather close-knit family. My mother is very fond of music and has taught both myself and my brother a wide range of instruments and songs.


Alistair Colbreak Evenbrook


Towards Ophelia Evenbrook Colbreak


Ophelia Evenbrook Colbreak


Towards Alistair Colbreak Evenbrook


Usually Addressed As
Duchess Evenbrook
Power Level
Hearing Present Events at Distance
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
1st of Dagal, 1274
Year of Birth
1274 DA 40 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The only child of Brenden Evenbrook and Aisha Al Anbar.
Current Residence
Evenbrook Manor, Lower North Lautney
Chestnut brown.
Long, sleek, and dark. Typicaly worn in buns and braids.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Honey brown.
140 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Double Wedding by ReachingForStardust
Teenage Alistair, Kyle, Ophelia, and Duncan by chasing_colored_skies_art
Kyle, Ophelia, and Duncan fancy
Teenage Kyle, Ophelia, and Duncan at a Ball by chasing_colored_skies_art

Cover image: by ReachingForStardust
Character Portrait image: Ophelia Evenbrook Colbreak by ReachingForStardust


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Oct 23, 2021 12:28 by Sailing Ocelot

This is a really strong article that deserves much more attention, excellent writing! I love how this article links to a lot of other articles to explain the detailed lore you have created in this world. I also pity Ophelia's past and her power - it seems like quite the heavy burden. Finally, I absolutely love the supporting artwork in this article too. Lovely!

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
Nov 17, 2021 22:06

Wow thank you so much!! Apologies for the late reply haha, I took a break from worldbuilding and haven't been checking notifications. It's quite the heavy burden for her indeed, poor thing :( And I'm glad you like the artwork! :D

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
Dec 11, 2021 16:37 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

This is a great article, I really like Ophelia :D You didn't mention how she feels about Alistair - was she even expecting to make an arrange mariage before her power manifested or was that also thrust upon her all at once? Was she even asked about her opinion about the marriage? And what was her relationship with the duchess before that? It doesn't seem that it would be good, but did she even bother to teach her heir what she would need to know?   Great illustrations :D Who is the other couple in the double wedding?

Jan 6, 2022 22:18

Thank you! Before her power manifested, she did not expect to have an arranged marriage, but as soon as her power carrier concentration turned out that high and she was named the heir to the duchy of Evenbrook, yeah, she knew! So she's known since she was 10. It was all thrust upon her at once really :( As far as her relationship with Duchess Kiera, I feel like they probably had never met before Ophelia turned 10, and then once they did meet, Kiera was quite nice to her. Kiera always secretly favored Brenden, Ophelia's dad, despite him being illegitimate (Kiera was not exactly in a happy arranged marriage).   Thank you!! The other couple in the double wedding is Duncan Colbreak (Alistair's brother) and Rebecca Whitewave, whose articles will eventually come :D I've not been checking WA a ton which is why the late reply, but I've been getting the worldbuilding itch again recently...

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!