Vivalic Language in Graelia | World Anvil
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Spoken by the people living in the Solowin county and most southern nobles. The official language of The United Kingdoms.

Geographical Distribution

Spoken in everywhere in the United Kingdoms
Common Phrases
Ce n’est pas la mer à boire
. Literal translation: “It’s not as if you have to drink the sea.” What it means: It’s not that difficult/It’s not that hard/It’s not so bad/It’s not the end of the world.  
À bon chat, bon rat.
Literal translation: “To a good cat, a good rat.” What it means: Tit for tat./Equally matched./To meet your match.  
Il faut tourner sept fois sa langue dans sa bouche avant de parler.
Literal translation: “You should turn your tongue around in your mouth seven times before you speak.” What it means: Think before you speak.
Common Female Names
Armelle, Clélie, Vivienne, Cécile, Violaine, Gabrielle, Amélie, Marie, Solène, Florence, Paule, Marie-Françoise, Bérangère, Éva, Jeannette, Inès, Florence, Jocelyne, Mégane
Common Male Names
Gérard , Louis , Thibaud , Fabien , Sylvain , Grégoire , Enzo , Maxence , Jean-Michel, Jean Pierre

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