Bleakrock Geographic Location in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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The Arcane Frontier

The folk of Bleakrock settled there with a dream of a new life. It was a frontier, devoid of kings and conquerors, where a man could carve out his place in the world. What the settlers of Bleakrock found, was a land of dense forests, dusty deserts, and a rush of arcane energy.   This attracted even more settlers, as folk came from all over to mine for the arcane crystals found within the mountains of Bleakrock. This became what was known as the “Mana Rush”.  With arcane energy teeming within the land, the folk of Bleakrock quickly found the area packed with spellcasters. Spellslinging became a way of life, used for practical purposes, self-defense and criminal endeavours. Spellslingers with particularly potent spells, or those with a fast wand hand, became outlaws, stealing coin from the innocent and the wealthy.   Because of the dusty desert and harsh conditions, folk from Bleakrock dress a little different than folk from other lands. They wear leather clothes to stand up to the wind, wide-brimmed hats to keep the sun off, bandanas to keep the dust away, and furs to keep warm in the winter. The unique fashion, dialect and culture of Bleakrock ensures that one can always recognize a Bleakrock native whenever they travel to the other parts of the realm.           Bleakrock Cuisine   The fields of Bleakrock provide ample room to grow wheat and corn, leading to a higher concentration of bread and flour based dishes in their diets. Large herds of cattle are raised on ranches and sprawling farmsteads provide chicken and pork. The food of Bleakrock is comforting, hearty, and often cooked while on caravan journeys.       Whiskey Brisket   A delicious cut of beef rubbed down with a dwarven whiskey based marinade and slowly roasted for hours in an iron oven built over ember crystals. Sliced neatly and served alongside a cob of corn and chopped carrots.     Cobblestone Corn Cake   A golden sweet cake baked from cornmeal in a large skillet. Served with a pat of butter on top. Perfect for breakfast the next day.     Umberland Apple Pie   A crisp and flaky pie filled with freshly picked sugar apples and served for desert.     Nectar   A stiff alcoholic drink made from the sugars from fermented cacti found in the deserts of Bleakrock. Served in many a saloon across the wild arcane frontier.     Crystal Sarsaparilla   An effervescent beverage first distilled with the intent of medicine but later turned into a refreshing drink. Distilled arcane sugar gives the drink its bubbly quality.
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