Cael Tyhaera Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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Cael Tyhaera

Often called the Fey-Lands by outlanders, Cael Tyhaera is the home of the elves. It plays host to several vast forests and ornate cities, each with an otherworldly beauty lingering around them. The city of High Hestele belongs to the High Elves, and sits in the north-west as a beacon of culture and society. The Wood Elves keep to Lisindriel, a city built into the misty landscape at the base of the Mothertree. In the southeast lies Hana'toaria, the two-sided city of the Lunar Elves, built into the side of a massive bluff.   The northeastern side of the continent is separated from the rest by a massive mountain range known as the Skysplitter mountains. Past the mountain range lies the Badlands, an arid mesa dotted with tar-pits. In the north of the continent is the Ashen Wastes, a wasteland of dead trees, black rock and volcanic ash.   But by far the most mysterious place in Cael Tyhaera is the Whisperweald, a sprawling forest where nothing makes sense. Mushrooms grow as tall as trees, paths march you in circles, and the local wildlife is more baffling still. Most folk, even elvenkin, give the Whisperweald a wide berth, even travelling days out of their way simply to avoid it.


Cael Tyhaera is not governed by a single entity or ruler.  Instead, the three main cities, High Hestele, Lisindriel, and Hana'toaria each have their own individual rulers.  The rulers of these three cities will occasionally communicate with the others, but for the most part leave each other to their own business.  The High Elves and the Lunar Elves have quarrelled in the past, and the Wood Elves wish to be left to their own devices in the forest.


Tyhaeran Cuisine   The elves of Cael Tyhaera have spent centuries perfecting their culinary arts. As such, recipes have been passed down through noble elven bloodlines and guarded with care. Elven cuisine is light and easy to digest, usually high in vegetables, breads and fruits, and low in meats.     Elven Sweetbread   This light and sugary bread is a delicacy in High Hestele, served as a stapled palate cleanser during feasts. It is said to never grow stale if cooked properly.     Torchbloom Salad   This salad is a mix of leafy greens and petals from the Torchbloom flower. The light of a Torchbloom slowly fades once picked, giving the salad a gentle and warm glow as one eats it.     Innersea Clam Chowder   This creamy and rich soup takes on the characteristic salty-sweet quality of the Innersea's waters. Served with a side of flaky biscuits or salted crab cakes.     Croissant Moons   This flaky crescent shaped pastry is served in the cafes of Hana'toaria, usually accompanied by a freshly brewed pot of coffee.


  • Cael Tyhaera
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Feylands
Feylander, Tyhaeran

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