Carcasonne Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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Carcasonne is a small and ever-changing kingdom. Due to their vast coastline, Carcasans dine heavily on fish and other seafood, and use their hills to plant olive trees and vineyards. The western side of the country boasts the vast Starbound Archipelago with palm trees and fishing boats abound.   The two points of the archipelago, north and south, lay host to two sister cities. In the north, Acci, the military centre of Carcasonne, with high walls and narrow city streets. In the south, Lucens, the economic centre of Carcasonne, with canals instead of streets and fishing vessels constantly docked in the ports. These two cities are ruled in tandem by twin monarchs, Acci by the brother and Lucens by the sister. The two oversee the entire country and often squabble about the correct direction to take their Kingdom.   In the eastern valleys of Carcasonne, lie vast vineyards, each controlled by one of the Wine Barons. The Wine Barons vie for control of wine production within the country and aren't afraid to stoop to nefarious means to end up on top.


As Carcasonne is made of up coastal cities, worship of Seneschal is incredibly common throughout the country. The main diet of the people of Carcasonne is seafood, everything from oysters to crab to fish. Carcasonne boasts vast vineyards and as such, Carcasan wine is famous across the realm.     Carcasan Cuisine   Carcasan cuisine consists mostly of seafood and alcohol, due to the large amount of coastline under the kingdom's control and the vast vineyards across the countryside.     The Caesar's Bloodwine   A mysterious wine sold only by the vineyards of the enigmatic Caesar, one of Carcasonne's three Wine Barons. The wine is a deep red colour, sweet and elegantly spiced with the slightest hint of a metallic aftertaste.   Prosciutto di Lucensa   A Carcasan antipasto served in the south capital of Lucens. Delicately sliced pork, dry-cured with sea salt from the Sea of Cassus. Served alongside olives, bread, and an assortment of cheese.   Pizza al Piatto   Leavened wheat based dough rounded into a flat bread, topped with tomato, cheese, and all manner of ingredients from anchovies to onions. Then it is cooked until crisp and marbled in a wood-fired oven.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

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