Lyrethia Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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Lyrethia is the kingdom to the east of Averyln and is considered it’s sister kingdom. The two have worked closely in military campaigns and trading for the past two centuries. But it was not always so. Lyrethia and Averlyn used to be locked in bitter conflict. This was a series of conflicts that merged into one greater war called the War of Two Lions. The war was put to an end in the year 532, and ever since the two kingdoms have lived in harmony.     Lyrethia is a kingdom of magic, arts and culture, boasting both the College of Bards and the Arcane College of Nil-Valent within its borders. As such, many spellcasters are drawn to its cities to practice their arts or learn more about arcane mysteries. In the north-east of Lyrethia, lies the Mushroom Flats, a vast grassy plain with mushrooms the size of castles. This area holds many mysteries and is said to hold ingredients to brew powerful potions.


Lyrethian Cuisine   A land of culture and fine art, Lyrethians continue the tradition with their food as well. Often cooked with the aid of magical means, the cuisine of Lyrethia is both beautiful and delicious.       Croque Magiques   A piping hot sandwich made with salted ham and bubbling cheese. Browned in an oven filled with Dragon Embers until the cheese forms a delectable crust. Topped with a fried egg to make a satisfying breakfast for any aspiring sorcerer.   Manadrop Champagne   An expensive alcohol that bubbles delicately when its cork is popped. Light blue in colour and prized by mages all over, the Manadrop Champagne is said to assist in restoring ones arcane energies after a hard day of spellcasting.     Bisque Fontaine   A rich and creamy soup made from a broth based in the many crustaceans found off the coast of Champort. Fountain langoustines, emerald crab, and cream come together into a delicious soup garnished with chives and served alongside flaky biscuits.   Auroch Bourguignons   Delicious cubes of Auroch beef aged rapidly through magical means and then braised in red wine. Served in a stock of onions, garlic and garnished with mushrooms and bacon.     Milleberry Crepes   A paper thin, sweet pancake wrapped around a filling of whipped cream, cinnamon and Milleberry coulis.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Controlled Territories

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