Middlemere Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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Middlemere is an island kingdom situated in the rough center of the Sea of Cassus. It is one of the island nations that make up the Glimmering Isles. Middlemere, for all intents and purposes, has long been considered an idyllic place. Pristine waters, lush countryside and bountiful farms. It is a nation of humble folk, hard-working and dedicated to their kingdom. Its capital, on the northern side, is Eudora, a bustling trade center and cultural hot-bed. The city also holds the keep of Middlemere’s ruler, King Brynmor, a well respected man by his people. It is said he descends not from a highborn, blue-blooded ancestry, but rather from the chief architect that built Eudora, centuries ago. He is accepted as ruler, not by divine right, but from respect for the kingdom’s history and origin.   The northern coast of Middlemere is a vast desert made of marbled stone, known as the Marble Flats.  It is seperated from the southern part of the kingdom by a massive mountain range called the Northern Spine.  Below the Northern Spine sits Eudora, the kingdom's capital city.  Further east along the Spine, next to the coast, is a small town called Stonybrook, nestled into a countryside known as the Riverlands.   Travelling further south will bring you to the Avonlea Prairie, where farmland and wheat fields stretch as far as the eye can see.  East of the Prairie is an evergreen forest known as the Deepgreen Demesne.  To the west of the Prairie is a coastal town called Tradewater, a bustling centre of commerce.   The south of the kingdom holds the Dawnshire Shallows, a strangely shallow lake.  Nestled next to it is the town of Evermoor, humble and simple.  Along the southeast coast of Middlemere lies Silkenshore, a fishing town known for its satin smooth sands.  South of Silkenshore is a stretch of grasslands that the commonfolk have dubbed Sunnyside, named for the beautiful sunset views one can experience from its rolling hilltops.     Lastly, we are brought to Glorybell.  Glorybell is a centre of culture and trade, always bustling and filled with noble houses.  The lands that surround it are dotted with farms, cottages and vineyards, the most prominent of which is a decades old winery known as Belisandre.


Middlemere is a country of hard workers, tradesmen and farmers. Their origin is humble and so too is their history. Middlemere can be considered a high-trust society, where folk often help each other with their work and are charitable with their possessions.     Middlemere Cuisine   The diets of the people of Middlemere include lamb, pork and beef from the farmlands, supplemented by grains from the prairies and heaping helpings of potatoes.     Sunnyside Fry   A frying pan full of sausages, toasted potato bread, bacon, mushrooms and eggs, cooked sunny side up of course.     Potato Pasties   A battered and fried patty of mashed potato, onion and sausage meat, lightly seasoned with sea salt and black pepper.     Glorywine   A light and fruity purple wine from the vineyards of Belisandre. Belisandre's grapevines are renowned across the whole of Middlemere for the fine wine they produce, making this a highly sought after product.     Cooper's Crab Cakes   A flaky and buttery biscuit filled with shredded crab meat freshly caught on the coast of Silkenshore. Served hot in the titular establishment, Cooper's Crab Shack.


  • Middlemere
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Our Lady's Land
Golden Griffons, a small gold piece with the symbol of a griffon on emblazoned on it.
Controlled Territories

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