Miravia Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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The isle of Miravia is land shadowed by an ancient darkness. Beasts roam the rocky forests and the undead pull themselves from their crypts. Once a prosperous kingdom, Miravia has fallen to gloom after the heirs of the bloodline of the great Augustine the Conqueror isolated themselves in the castle of Karstengrave. Since their disappearance, Miravia has fallen to rot and ruin, her people turning to religion for comfort from the hordes of undead stalking the lands at night.   Such strife has given rise to The Watchful Eye, an order of paladins dedicated to the destruction of dark magic throughout Miravia. Following the teachings of the Eye of the Saviour, their deity, and the word of Father Pavlenco, the Church of the Saviour seeks to bring peace to Miravia once more, no matter the cost.   On the eastern coast sits Bontremaine, a fishing hamlet that survives on the sea's bounty.  To the west, past Allsaints Abbey, lies the great city of Reinstadt, once a bustling city of trade that has since begun to rot from within.  In the north, at the base of a mountain, sits Krahenhafen, the last bastion of the nobility of Miravia.  Beyond Krahenhafen lies a seemingly endless range of mountains, where Castle Karstengrave sits nestled in the Valley of Knives.


Miravian Cuisine   Food can be scarce for those lacking in coin, and so the people of Miravia have to get creative with their diets. Luckily, the large amount of coastline near Bontremaine provides a steady amount of seafood to provide nourishment.     Bontremaine Mussels   Freshly harvested mussels straight from the coast of Bontremaine. Served drenched in a rich garlic butter.   Rat Skewers   Food can be hard to come by in Reinstadt, and sometimes the needy must find a way to make do. Usually grilled alongside any mushrooms one can find to help with the taste. Nothing helps with the texture, though.   Miravian Nettlewine   This blood red wine is an acquired taste from those not from Miravia. Nettlewine has a telltale sour sting to its aftertaste, which can be unpleasant to the unfamiliar.   Moonlit Amandine   A chocolate sponge cake filled with almonds, glazed in chocolate. A rich desert enjoyed by the upper crust of Krahenhafen nobles.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

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