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Vultar Malwal (Vole-tar Mal-wall)

The Archon of Steel, The Indominable Core, He Who Stands Strong, Unbroken, Unbent.

The current Qourrendi Archon of War rose from the ashes of one of Qourrend's greatest historical battles. As the final blow of the battle was struck, the armaments and armor of the fallen rose into a metal amalgamation. The insurmountable force of the metal bending in on itself generated the latest Elemental Archon, the Elemental Archon lord of Metal. Lord Malwal has come to represent steadfastness, holding one's position against incredible odds, bravery, and skilled warfare.
  Worship of Archon Malwal is common among the professional warriors of Grand Qourrend. Knights, paladins, battlemages, and even savage beasts of war worship the Archon of War. Archon Malwal only demands two things of his followers: A fight, and an honorable duel. Cowardice has no place in the eyes of Archon Malwal, and he is regularly seen participating in a battle alongside the losing side. As a result, Archon Malwal is one of the most publicly visible Elemental Archons of Grand Qourrend, as it is difficult to miss his maul flying directly into a formation of armed men.
  Archon Malwal is from the Grand House Solvus elemental house, and many a great warrior of metal and steel has risen from this house to lead armies across Grand Qourrend. The Archon Malwal himself has no interest in common rulership, and will often disappear as soon as a battle is over so that he may go raise more men for the next grand battle. Archon Malwal is known to have a great rage, and maintains little tolerance for diplomats, slothful rulers, and scheming assassins.

Divine Domains

Primary Domain: Militarism
Full Domains: Justice, Disorder, Production, Militarism, Power

Holy Books & Codes

The code of Malwal makes no space for expensive cathedrals or widely distributed holy books. The great warriors of Malwal will instead carve the history of their battles on their armor and weapons which is said to attract the essence of Malwal to the wielder.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bladed weapon atop a pile of broken metal is considered the holiest of the makeshift ritual areas of those who worship Lord Malwal.

Tenets of Faith

Pursue a challenge. Those who sit atop their high towers have no place in our ranks. Pursue the next big duel. Hunt the next vile creature.
Stand point for your brothers. Dive in front of others, be the first to take on a challenge. Do not rely on others to test the waters for you.
Keep true your oath. A stab in the back is of the vilest nature. Fight your foe with their knowledge, or do not fight them at all.
"There is no better canvas than a battlefield. There is no greater tool than a sword. Nowhere else will you witness a true artisan." - A holy phrase commonly uttered before Malwali berserkers charge into battle.
Divine Classification
Elevated Archon
340; Functionally Immortal
Current Residence
The Battlefields of Grand Qourrend
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Hardened Steel of Fallen Weapons and Armor

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