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Spirit Dragons

Spirit Dragons have recently returned to Grandel while others are still banished in the life energy plane. They are small dragons that can heal all flesh and blood beings.   When they heal someone close to death, their gift of life comes with another gift. They healed a Queen who had visions of the past and present afterward. They healed a Protector more than once, and he could heal himself and his family. He could also communicate with his family telepathically.

Basic Information


The Spirit Dragons have been through many physical changes throughout their history. In their current form, they are small, no bigger than a rabbit. They have translucent purple wings like a butterfly. Their scales are white, and their eyes are black. Down their back is a spiny fin. Some of them are white. Others are light lavender. They have hands for building and working on things.   The Spirit Dragon in the life energy plane. They were the size of an insect. They had no limbs, and their tails curled up onto their backs. Delicate snowflake lashes created their black eyes. Upon their back were purple butterfly wings, and down their backs, they had purple fins that swayed with their movement.   Before their banishment into the life energy plane, they were still a small dragon the size of a wolf. Their leather wings had a purple tint, and the horns on their heads were for fighting. Instead of black eyes, they had blue ones. The hands they had then could do a few things, but they were not capable of the tasks they do today.

Biological Traits

Spirit Dragons are the smallest land dragons.

Genetics and Reproduction

No Spirit Dragons have been born since their banishment to the life energy plane. Not all the Spirit Dragons have returned from the life energy plane. The hope is that once they do and the clan is fully united, the reproduction will start again. Some think that the reproduction stopped because there hasn't been a death of a Spirit Dragon since Adner and Seemia's. That was over two thousand years ago.   Before the banishment, Spirit Dragon had two eggs every season. There was usually a female and a male. At times, two males would hatch, but never two females. The Spirit Mother and mate would sit together, hands pressed together. Their foreheads would touch, and around them, a light would grow. Once it reached a certain point, it would die down, and between them would be their eggs.   The males were the ones to watch over the eggs as the females led the clan and did the hunting and fighting if any needed to be done. All the eggs were kept grouped in a cave, and the males warmed them. They would hatch in a few weeks.

Growth Rate & Stages

When they had newlings, they would emerge from their eggs, their eyes and ears were closed. Within a few sun cycles, their eyes and ears open, and the newlings start moving about the cave. They would also forage for insects on the cave floor and eat the food the Spirit Mothers would bring. After seven sun cycles, they start to come to the front of the cave using their wings. In another fourteen sun cycles, they emerge from the cave and start exploring their world. It takes a full one hundred and seventy-eight sun cycles for them to be fully grown.

Ecology and Habitats

The Spirit Dragons require trees, for that is where they sleep. They need caves that will give protection to their eggs and then newlings. A sunny place is necessary because it helps them gather the energy the dragons need. A place with fresh water and fish. They need trees that bear fruit and are home to other small creatures to round out their diet. In return for the care that their island Mistlor gives them, they return it. They care for the sick trees and land. When the water, which keeps the whole island healthy, becomes polluted, they find the pollution and remove it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Spirit Dragons eat vegetation and meat. The females hunt for the clan while the males forage for the vegetation. They never take more than the clan can eat in a day.

Biological Cycle

They do not get old. When they do pass back to the life energy the males of the clan gather around the body. They all sing in the same tone, and the shell that holds the energy in place dissipates and frees the energy.


The females are the heads of the clan they are the Clan Leader and the warriors and hunters. The males are the ones that have the strongest connection with the powers that all Spirit Dragons have. They are gentle creatures until they can not be. When war comes to them the females can be savage in a way that the males among them never could.   They use weapons when predators decide that the small dragon is an easy dinner. They prefer not to be violent and use their abilities to communicate with the enemy that may not understand vocal statements.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The females are the leaders of the clan, while the males are the spiritual part. They are peaceful dragons.

Facial characteristics

Spirit dragons have short, wide muzzles with teeth suitable for their diet. They all have black eyes with spines that crest them.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Spirit Dragons lived on Mistlor before they were banished to the life energy plane. When the few returned, they went back to Mistrol and found that their island mourned their loss. What once was an island of sun and green is now concealed in a mist. It gets little sunshine, and the soil has turned a grey ash. The many green weeping willows are now greyish, and the trees weep a liquid into the moving flowers below.

Average Intelligence

They are highly intelligent. They use tools in their daily lives and communicate with all living beings.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Spirit Dragons are connected to the world in a much different way than most. They can speak to almost any creature telepathically. If words do not work, then pictures usually do. They have eyes that can see far and in the darkest of places. Their ears can tell them if danger is coming from the air or water that surrounds their island and in which direction. Spirit Dragons can sense danger in their environment, and they notice the smallest of changes.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Female, male

Courtship Ideals

The females are the ones who initiate courtship. When they take notice of one because of his outstanding ability to see into the spiritual or, on the rare occasion, his physical abilities they approach them. No other male can protest the choice, but the male can refuse the courtship. A female can stop the courtship if she also wants the male.    Both of these are rare, but they do happen. When a male refuses, he is never to take a mate.   When a female challenges another, a courtship fight occurs. They are viscous because both females are in the sun cycle of life. When in this cycle, they are faster, stronger, and brutal. They use no weapons, only tooth and claw. When one cries to the sun for mercy, the fight is over. Sometimes the females are close to death. The males quickly heal them, and the victor gets her male. The loser must choose another.

Relationship Ideals

They mate for life.

Average Technological Level

They uses what can be found in nature.


History as told by the Spirit Dragons   The Great Clan   When the two-legs forced the dragons to leave Earth, Abner, one of the strongest males in the way of spirit magic, who saved dragonkind. He saw in a vision that all dragon clans must come together and flee Earth. He was the reason they were able to find the last five Water Dragons alive. If not for him, there would be no Water Dragons in the Red Sea.   Abner brought them to the gateway of their new home. He also communed with two of the Guardians of the Life Trees. With a promise made, they helped the dragons remove the two-legs that had learned the ways of magic and stop the abomination that had begun. The dragons that could not hide in plain sight still had to leave for others would come and hunt them. The two-legs would find a way to steal their magic again. It is a crime against nature for two-legs to possess magic. They can not handle the responsibility of it. Not only would the two-legs be punished, but the dragons as well. It is their gift, their burden.   After Abner freed the ones in the bloodstone wands, the largest of the dragons created the Great Clan, and they left Earth forever.   Unknown to most, wells of dragon magic are still hidden there. The Marked and the dragons that hide in plain sight protect these wells and the gateway.   Banishment   Nature itself cried out when we forced our relics to be misused. Within heartbeats, we found ourselves still among the dragons and two-legs we were fighting beside. Only they could not see us. Quickly, we figured out that our forms had changed and that we were being punished for what we had done.   We could no longer vocalize. Our minds were our only communication.   We spent many years watching the two-legs that had come to our world and the Mystics that had brought the devil with them. As we watched, the many races that came from the one-minded world of Earth changed. They turned into one race, the Grandelites, and with the guidance of the Mystics and the daily struggle of their lives, they became all-minded.   With this change, nature's kindness to them changed, and if we could convince her that one needed to be saved for the well-being of all, she would let us intervene. We did not know of the gifts she let us pass on until later. There were only a few that we helped. The two most notable were Queen Cecelia and the Queen's Protector Brandon. Both have done great things for their people, and they passed the gifts that were given them to their generations. Nature had, at long last, found a two-leg that it trusted enough to bestow the gift of magic.   In the magic, she let the two-legs have, mixed with the dragon magic nature let them use. A dragon that was a part of every dragon was born, and five seeds of hope were placed in five females connected to the Grandelites. When the dragon was born, she was dying. We went to her aid and the Spirit Dragons present were returned to our plane of existence.   Many of us are still in the life energy plane and we are building a way home for them. It is an archway in the middle of our meadow but Brandon was here today and something about the arch scares him.

Historical Figures

Adner Seemia

Common Myths and Legends

The Legend of the Great Clan Leader Spearlia   When the Spirit Dragons were still on Earth, and before, the two-legs had become harmful to dragons. There were many Spirit Dragon clans. They spread throughout the meadows and forests of the world. One of the greatest of these clans was led by Spearlia. She was a mighty leader who held tight to the beliefs of their kind. Her clan was large, and her female warriors were mighty. She ruled with a kind hand but was quick to anger.   One night, a female Spirit Dragon stumbled into their territory. She was clutching a newling who had been harmed. The female had been misused over time. She had injuries that had not been healed by magic but by time. The male healers quickly went to help her and her newling, and she shrank in fear.   Spearlia sent them away and had the females heal the new female and newling. They were less skilled than the males but could heal the fresh wounds. Once healed, fed, and rested, Spearlia went to the female.   She asked the female what had happened to her and her newling and where her other newling was.   The female, through fear and tears, told her what happened.   The males of their clan had taken over. They decided there were too many males and started killing the newling males. Both of her newlings were males, and she had only been able to save the one. She said that her injuries were from the mistreatment that she experienced from the male that she was forced to mate with. That all the females in her clan were treated the same way.   Eggs were becoming rare because they were losing their connection with the spirit plane. The males were becoming bloodthirsty.   It is a state that males can get into, but none have seen, for males are passive. It has been said that if they lose their connection to the spirit plane they can turn on their own, and there is no return for them once this has happened.   Spearlia asked how many females were left.   There had been twenty when she left, but she had been wandering for many sun cycles looking for this clan for all knew of Spearlia's greatness.   Spearlia gathered her female warriors. Armed with spears, they headed in the direction that the female told them they would find her clan. It was several sun cycles when they saw the first signs that they were close.   The large female Spirit Dragon army came upon a pile of dead newlings all males. The rage that filled the army hurried them on and soon entered the foul lost clan. Males poured out of the trees, and they were not the males they were used to. These had eyes of red. Their wings were nothing but bone for losing their connection had lost them the right to fly. The females they could see were bound. The males would not let another get away.   The males came at them savagely. They seemed to have no fear of the spears that their enemy held. A thick saliva poured from their mouths as they made grunts and growls. The males ran at them on all fours as if they had devolved.   "Slay them," Spearlia cried to her warriors.   Their spears went down, and they ran the first ones through. The ones behind them jumped over the fallen and attacked. Their throats were torn open by claws and teeth. The battle was far from the peaceful beings that Spirit Dragons are. Not one of Spearlia's warriors tried to contact the things they found waiting for them. They slaughtered every male, including the little ones. The only ones spared were the newlings in the hope that they had not been corrupted by the others yet. Those would be cut down later if they showed signs of bloodthirst.   When they returned, they had fifteen females and three newlings. Two were male, and under the guidance of Spearlia's clan, they lived normal male lives.    The Promise   A Spirit Dragon made a promise to save the last of the original dragonkinds.   When the Life Trees and life energy become in danger, the Spirit Dragons will come to aid.   When the turtle, Chelone, cries for the loss of her world and screams a warning that the corruption is coming. The Spirit Dragons will be sent a message, and they will know the time has come to fulfill the promise.
Grandel the Battleground for all Earths.
Scientific Name
They count in sun cycles, and they do not keep track of age.
Average Height
4 feet
Average Weight
8 lbs.
Average Length
5 feet
Average Physique
They are small dragons with thin scales. All Spirit Dragons are a shape of white with lavender wings. Their hands have four fingers and a thump. They have sharp spines down their back and a tail.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All are white with purple wings. Some have hints of lavender on their face and other parts of their body.

The Queen's Protector (The Prologue and First Two Chapters)

Cover image: Spirit Dragon by Tonia Viles with AI program.


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