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The Legend of the Great Clan Leader Spearlia

The Legend of the Great Clan Leader Spearlia

When the Spirit Dragons were still on Earth before the two-legged beasts had become deadly to dragons, many Spirit Dragon clans lived peaceful existences throughout the meadows and forests of the ecosphere. Spearlia led one of the greatest of these clans. She was a mighty and charismatic leader who held tight to the beliefs of their kind. Her clan was large, and her female warriors were mighty. She ruled with a kind hand but was quick to anger.   One night, a female Spirit Dragon stumbled into their territory. She was clutching a newling who bore devastating wounds. She begged for help and spoke of two newlings, though she only held one. The female possessed evidence of misuse over an extended period. The recent arrival's previous injuries were not healed with magic but by time. She shrank in fear when the male healers sped to her side to help her and her newling.   Spearlia sent them away and had the females heal the new arrival and newling. They were less skilled than the males, but could heal the fresh wounds. Once healed, fed, and rested, Spearlia went to the female.   She asked her what had happened to her and the newling and where her other newling was.   The female, through fear and tears, told their clan leader what had happened.   The males of the clan she escaped from had taken over. They turned on their own in the dark cycle and killed the elder females in their slumber. In the carnage, the younger females were quickly subdued.   The males decided that too many of them resided within the clan and started killing the newling males. Her twin newlings were males, and she had done all she could to save both, but had only fled with one. She said that her injuries were from the mistreatment that she experienced from a male, not of her choosing. Every female in her clan was treated in the same manner.   Eggs were becoming rare because of the forced mating and they were losing their connection with the spirit plane. The males were becoming bloodthirsty; she told Spearlia in a voice close to hysterics.   This is a state that only happens to males, and it has passed into unknowing history. Countless reason, and still do believe, that it is not a genuine phenomenon. It is a state that starts with one male in a clan. It spreads like a sickness. Males are normally passive. It has been said if they lose their connection to the spirit plane that they hold so dear, they can turn on their own, and there is no return for them once this has happened.   Spearlia asked how many females still dwelled within the forsaken clan.   She counted twenty when she left, but she had been wandering for many sun cycles looking for this clan for all knew of Spearlia's greatness.   Spearlia gathered her female warriors. Armed with spears, they headed in the direction that the female told them they would find her clan. Several sun cycles passed when they saw the first signs that they were close.   The large female Spirit Dragon Army came upon a pile of dead newlings, all males. The rage that filled the army hurried them on and soon entered the foul lost clan. Males poured out of the trees, and they were not the males they previously were. These had eyes of red. Their wings were nothing but bone, for losing their connection had lost them the privilege of flight. The females they could see were bound with vines.   The males came at them savagely. They seemed to have no fear of the spears that their enemy held. A thick saliva cascaded from their mouths as they made grunts and growling sounds. The males ran at them on all fours as if they had devolved.   "Slay them," Spearlia cried to her warriors.   Their spears moved down and were braced for the on-slot that was coming. They ran the first ones through. The ones behind them jumped over the fallen without hesitation and attacked. They attacked with a viciousness that males should not be capable of. Their throats were torn open by claws and teeth because females have always had this in them, but they can control it. They release it when necessary. The brutality of the battle was far from the peaceful beings that the Spirit Dragons are. Not one of Spearlia's warriors tried to mentally contact the things they found waiting for them. They slaughtered every male, including the younglings. The ones spared were the newlings in the hope they had not been corrupted by the others yet. Those would be cut down later if they showed signs of bloodthirst.   When they returned, they had fifteen females and three newlings. Two were male, one was the twin left behind and under the guidance of Spearlia's clan, they lived normal male lives.

Historical Basis

Spearlia was a Spirit Dragon clan leader. She was highly regarded by her clan and highly feared by others.


It is known by all Spirit Dragons and was shared and written in the Dragon's Hall of Myths and Legends.

Variations & Mutation

Some believe the telling of the bloodthirst has been added to the story to frighten youngling males from straying from their entined role within their clan.

Cultural Reception

Spirit Dragons pass the story by word of mouth and through imagery of the mind. This story is important to them because it is a tale of caution and also a tale of great strength.

In Literature

The Midlanders put the Legend on paper for it was one of the few things they had of the Spirit Dragons for a great many seasons.

In Art

Many paintings and sketches have been done in regards to this story.

Grandel the Battleground for all Earths.
Date of Setting
Dragons do not keep dates the best that can figured out is that it happen over 9000 seasons ago.
Related Species

The Queen's Protector (The Prologue and First Two Chapters)

Cover image: Spirit Dragon by Tonia Viles with AI program.


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