Abyss of All Names

Purpose / Function

Like all Thrones, the Abyss of All Names is almost incomprehensibly huge, burrowing down far below Akasha's crust into the Inner Universe.   In the era of Thrones, it is unique in that it saw continuous human use throughout its history, and continues, to some degree, to serve the same fundamental purpose. It is a necropolis on a provincial scale, housing the ashes and cadavers of millions of dead. As Viscerimine claimed dominion over all lost souls unclaimed by the rest of the Demiorgos, the throne's construction mandated that as many dead as possible were to be disinterred and reinterred into the spiraling depths, and that the names, dates, and deeds of the dead were to be recorded upon its' marbled gray walls. While scholars continue to debate to what degree the living were in a position to refuse, Viscerimine was unique in asking for remains in lieu of live sacrifices in tribute. The Yrken people found that far preferable to rounding up volunteers and undesirables, and the Throne's crypts and columbaria filled up nearly as fast as they could be carved from the rock.   Nowadays, the hostility of the Abyss's inhabitants is inarguable-- being a confluence of all Shale Energy means it is absolutely thronging with melancholy Fiends of terrible power-- but the place it holds in the hearts of the Yrken people is unquestionable, and particularly enterprising Yrken may request in their will that they be buried with their ancestors, and hire adventurers to go make sure their last remains make it there intact. This also means that graverobbing is rampant.


Most of the Shale throne is built of shale stone, marble, and iron, natural humble materials dug from the earth. The general construction of the building is like that of a stepwell of maniacal scale, slowly curling into the darkness under the earth, with little wasted space; myriad tunnels expanding into mausoleums, ossuaries, catacombs, cenotaphs and columbaria at all angles, seeming to be a chaotic, labyrinthine sprawl if not viewed from the perspective of a Demiurge. Observed as a whole, it exhibits characteristic Demiorgos ingenuity,
Alternative Names
The Former Shale Throne
Megastructure, Land based
Parent Location