Grand Martyr

Grand Martyr Teshomelek Beshelot

Teshomelek "Teshome" Beshelotte, better known as The Grand Martyr, leads all of humanity. Try and fucking stop him.   The man's not shy about talking about himself, but the reality of the man before he lead the Catharate is vague at best. Afterwards though, he managed to build an army, stage a revolution, kill two of the six Demiurges himself (Shale and Brass), ultimately managing to overthrow an entire pantheon in 4 years of open war. Now, he runs the most powerful non-state entity in the world, directing humanity's future with a silver fist.


Tashezana: The Tashezana is not so much a weapon as an idea. Named after the Grand Martyr's wife, the original was a large, flanged mace, little more than one might buy at a blacksmith's stall. It became cathected into a powerful artifact after being used to bloody a Demiurge, but it was shattered into shrapnel by the Gold Demiurge. Some of the remains are embedded in his arm-- the first Silver Plate.   Now, it transfers some of the numena invested in that shrapnel into conveying the power of the original Tashezana: every weapon the Martyr brandishes becomes the "new" Tashezana, conveying all of the original's effects.   This is probably good, since Teshome goes through maces at a frightening rate. After Gold wrecked the first one, the Grand Martyr specializes in a style of Smite that destroys the Tashezana from the sheer power invested within it, lodging the flang into a target, and leaving it there to corrode the target to ash. Works on buildings, or even the ground. This is the Tashezana's most fearsome ability, and a showing of the Martyr's most dreadful of powers. A few craters the Martyr left are now holy sites to the faithful, including Fate's Cinder in Yrkenvale, and Seigebreak in Sessenica.

Holy Books & Codes

The Martyr's Theses: a long series of aphorisms about life, Cambionisis, and how to fight it. The practical information is actually fully functional, and individual mottos and truisms make it serve somewhat like an almanac longside the lengthy manifestos. It is a cult text to the letter and sworn to regularly.

Mental characteristics


Prior to open declaration of war, he studied Vornumena for 5 years, and divinity for 10. Even though he'll propudly disclaim such appelations (much the same way he opposes titles like "emperor", the man still likely styles himself a philosopher-king.The Grand Martyr is a secretive, arcane man at the best of times, and his recent public visits are few. Some speculate he's dead every few years and then he pops up again. Thing is though, he left no heirs, and the majority of the Arstadtim Host have at least considered secession after his passing. The politics are delicate and fluid, but it seems out of character for such a man to die quietly in his sleep.


Family Ties

The Grand Martyr had a wife, Tashezana Beshelotte, whose body was claimed by the Shale Demiurge after a sudden illness while he was studying in Yrkenvale to become a scholar at the Mansion of Radiant Forms, a now nearly-defunct minor Mansion in Yrken politics, of which Tashezana was a clercal worker, meaning her body was automatically the Demiurge's.   Wherever he went after death, he'd never see his wife again. That was enough to make Teshome want to kill a god. He found some friends, made a plan, bought a flanged mace,named it after his wife, and began formulating a plan to kill a god. The Catharate was born,
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
47 BSY 92 Years old
Silver, shaven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'2" / 188 cm
90 kg