
Humans are an intelligent humanoid who shares a comparatively recent common ancestor with Fey and Din. You are probably Human yourself, and therefore the expert on what they look and act like.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Human societies are generally egalitarian regarding sex and gender, albeit with a history of patriarchal ideals that were abandoned centuries ago. Sexism persists as a fringe idea, backed by nascent science intent on resurrecting pre-Demiorgos ideals, patriarchy among them, though this isn't officially accepted in any official capacity by the Catharate or any major Human culture.   Beyond discrimination, however, gender ideas vary by culture and tend towards the diverse, complicated, and difficult to disentangle. Gender is hard.


Humankind first migrated to Dis from Shemarkhan around 10000 years ago, under the age of the Wyrms, and began forming permanent settlements about 6000 years ago. Subsequent waves of migration followed from other parts of the world, peopling the upper reaches of Dis with a diverse motley of cultures who quickly began refining the disciplines of art, agriculture, trade, diplomacy and war. After the downfall of the Wyrms 4000 years ago, Humanity, along with the rest of the peoples under the Demiorgos, quickly expanded, entering a classical golden age that saw the development of philosophy, mathematics, and complex, diverse societies with stratified social castes.   Humanity distinguished itself from the insular Fey and the theocratic and sorcerous Din by being the first to conduct large-scale warfare. Classical human epics, particularly the Demise of the Giants Cycle detail wars of human triumph, and laud wars of extermination against the unheavened races like Slag Men in the Bloodlands, Cyclopes in Norn, and Brackspawn in the south. They expanded rapidly before being finally being engaged by the Din in naval and amphibious warfare for the first time in history and suffering a humiliating defeat, which established the coastal borders of Acristan expansion for millennia.   In the age of the Demiorgos, Humanity saw the greatest patronage from dark, miserable gods; the sullen Viscerimine in Yrkenvale, and Temraster, Coral god of strife, intuition, impulse, madness and the sea on the eastern coast. The Demiorgos was not especially territorial, however, and temples and shrines emerged in the places the other Demiurges tended to favor.   Perhaps then, it is no surprise that Humanity suffered the greatest burden during the age of Thrones, and were the first to rise against the Demiorgos, lead by the Grand Martyr. an Acristan scholar who was first to behold the secrets of Vornumena, a destructive, dark power that had lain latent in the Human soul since their arrival on Dis. Armed with this power, the Grand Martyr was the first to take up arms against the Demiorgos, and he trained many disciples in the art of Vornumena, who, swathing their blades and armor in its' refulgent darkness, bade even gods and angels to bleed.   Beyond Dis, other human cultures have established themselves, including the mythic culture of Shemarkhan past the Unsettled Land and the continent of Zu.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Fey regard Humans as sexual deviants, and the Humans regard them the same way. A common Human joke follows the jist of a Human, Fey, and Din drinking at the bar, and the barkeep says, "One beer for the whorespawn", and the Human and Fey turn at the same time saying "My mother was a saint!"
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
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