Holy House of Domine

A house descended from Saint Pieron Mistress,
it became a holy house a few centuries after saint Pieron's death after his & his wife's last know descandant went missing at sea, and the only known descendant being from the Domine name. After a while longer it was decided that no women from the house shall change their birth names, regardless of them being married or not, so that the bloodline of the saint would not disappear.

Once the title of Mistress of St.Pieron got established it was decided that the pope shall be reserved to man of the saint bloodlines while the new rank shall be reserved to the women of the Domine house specificly.

In the early 1030's it got decided that only women would keep on passing the Domine name, the male passing their father's name, this was to metigate the popular pratice of marrying a Domine to get prestige in noble house across the different human realms of the world effectively uniting church and state in the process.
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Family Leader
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