
A rear-admiral is a flag officer. A rear-admiral is senior to a commodore and brigadier-general, and junior to a vice-admiral and lieutenant-general.   Flag Officer; A officer which fly a flag with their rank emblem while on board a ship


In the rear of the naval squadron, a third admiral would command the remaining ships and, as this section of the squadron is considered to be in the least danger, the admiral in command of the rear would typically be the most junior of the squadron admirals.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Depends on the navy they serve in but usually either have 1 or more of the following elements on their uniforms
  • 2 Anchor under a crown
  • a wide strip of gold braid around the cuff and above it a narrower strip of gold braid embellished with the executive curl
  • 2 Anchor under a national symbol

Greenlandian Imperial Navy Sleeve bands (Left) and shoulder broad with rank insignia (Right)

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Retirement or Dishonorable conduct
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Rear-admirals are addressed by rank and name; thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am"
Equates to
  • Major-General
Past Holders
Reports directly to