Greland Royalist Soldiers Destroy the Bridge at Twilight Park

Royalist Soldiers Destroy the Bridge at Twilight Park

Military: Battle

28/9 6:00

The forces under ser Astris Conklyn were sailing along The Flametongue to The City of Bayglen when there was a great clap of thunder and a bright light engulfed the bridge between Hotcrown and Twilight Park.

When the light passed the bridge was destroyed, raining chunks of stone into the river. Several boats were caught by the rubble, while yet more capsized. Those that could made way for the banks of the river, where the forces on board fought their way into the city.

Related Location
The City of Bayglen
Related timelines & articles
The Life of ser Mattheo Foxworth (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)