Greland The Creation of the Black Cities

The Creation of the Black Cities

Disaster / Destruction


In an attempt to prevent the approaching forces of The Kingdom of Somercrag from siezing the land between The Witwell Mountains and The Redford River, the forces of The Kingdom of Irogonie, including a number of Dualists, triggered the effects of The Black Walls surrounding the cities of Fairdeep, Stathgow and Southmarket, unleashing Black Clouds that hung over those cities, making it dangerous to impossible to enter them, and killing the population immediately.
Because of this, these cities became known as The Black Cities.

Related Location
The Kingdom of Irogonie
Related timelines & articles
The Gaunt Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Foxworth Duchy (article)
The Kingdom of Irogonie (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)