Greland ser Callor Perryn's Errantry Party Overnights in The Rushwater

ser Callor Perryn's Errantry Party Overnights in The Rushwater

Population Migration / Travel


ser Callor Perryn's party followed the trails out of The Witwell Mountains to the East, into a stretch forest that sat between the lands of The Hollow and The Rushwater.
They followed small streams and falls fed by the thawing snow on the mountains until they joined together into the Northern branch of The Flametongue, flowing out of the forest to The Rushwater, seat of House Epper.
The three knights and their companions were spotted approaching the castle, and by the time they reached its gates were met by soldiers and a knight in the Epper colours. With tensions building elsewhere in the country ser Maralynn Forall, the Castellan of The Rushwater could offer them no better than the promise of a warm meal and a tent within the castle's walls for the night.

Related Location
The Rushwater
Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Life of ser Callor Perryn (article)