Greland ser Newall Foxworth Carries a Sliver of a Black Blade

ser Newall Foxworth Carries a Sliver of a Black Blade

Life, Trauma/ Loss

17/9 1:00

In the process of defending ser Sola Somercrag from a Black Knight during The Battle of Starfield ser Newall Foxworth took a gruesome injury from a blade made of Blackstone.
The wound took months to fully heal and even afterwards, the debilitating effects of the blackstone remained, leaving him with near constant low mood, inattention, low energy levels, exhaustion and veering between insomnia and periods of inability to be roused.

In Faircastle, Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford's persistent attempts to improve his condition, including the administering of teas and poultices derived from Graveblossom and the construction of A Solar in the castle to allow him to gain as much benefit from sunlight as possible, allowed him to have increasingly frequent bouts of normality.
Finally, In September of the following year, Sister Katriana Whitewind arrived in Faircastle in response to a request for Dualist expertise to advise on the phenomena in The Deephaunt. She was able to excise the remaining sliver of the Blackstone blade, allowing ser Newall to finally make a full physical recovery, though he would bear the psychological scars for the rest of his days.

Related Location
Faircastle Lord's Solar
Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Life of Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford (article)
The Life of Duke Newall Foxworth (article)