Blackstone Material in Greland | World Anvil



Blackstone Weapons
  • A Blackstone Weapon cannot be parried or blocked. The base Difficulty for an Attack with a Blackstone Weapon is d, and is not increased by armour or weapon qualities, nor are f added for plate armour or shields. The Difficulty may be increased against certain targets who are adept at dodging.
  • A Blackstone Weapon does not deal Wounds. Instead, if it hits, it automatically causes a Critical Injury with a number of ranks of the Vicious quality equal to the Damage the weapon would otherwise inflict (taking into account the wielder's Brawn and the Soak of the target as normal.
  • Critical Injuries inflicted by a Blackstone Weapon require special treatment to cure.
  • A character wielding a Blackstone Weapon may choose to instead strike at an opponent's weapons, or other items, to sunder them. To do this they spend a Story Point and make a normal Attack roll (taking into account armour and weapon qualities as for a normal weapon), but if they succeed they destroy one chosen item wielded by the target to be sundered by the blow.


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