Greland The Foxworth Party Visits The Gallows

The Foxworth Party Visits The Gallows

Population Migration / Travel


Following an invitation delivered with the petitioners the previous week, Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford, her Sworn Sword ser Anron Wren and ser Newall Foxworth travelled to The Gallows to be guests of House Wynch.
Over the course of the journey to and from The Gallows they learned how ser Theadwyn Wynch had been treating their new subjects, including the execution by hanging of several 'dissenters' both at the border with Fairstrand and throughout the 'Hangman's Woods' that encircle The Gallows, as well as the plundering of graves in Barrowton which stirred up some Strange Shadowy Creatures.

The party chose to only spend one night in The Gallows, and while there Lady Ophelia resolved to host a Tourney in July to return the favour of playing host - reasoning that she would want as many other knights around as possible when the Wynches came to visit.
Ophelia and her Sworn Sword ser Anron Wren delved into the despoiled caverns below Barrowton, but were unable to find a source for the Shadowy Creatures. Unable to resolve the problem in that way, Ophelia instead invited the residents of Barrowton to relocate to Saltreach, an invitation they were more than happy to accept.

Related Location
Redmouth Castle
Related timelines & articles
History of Greland (article)
The Life of Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford (article)
The Life of Duke Newall Foxworth (article)