Annarah the Black Rose

Annara, the Black Rose, Goddess of Necromancy, Suffering and Shadar Kai.
She and her faithful believe that dead is unnecessary and that it is through suffering that the soul learns, whether this is caused by ourselves or by others.
Many non-believers resort to her services (turning to Annara is illegal in most countries) to resurrect people, as there is no one as good as them in that department. However, despite doing so, they always warn when they want to resurrect someone with whom they had a romantic relationship that it is wrong, but if that is what they want, then fine...


  • Grikark of the Death Gates has a terrible relationship with Annarah the Hollow because he was deceived by her, back when she was merely human... Besides, it seems that Annarah has made it her main mission to challenge Grikark's power and authority, with her assisting necromancers worldwide to defy him and resurrect people from the afterlife.

  • Annarah the Black Rose does not get along with Kron the Greatone because it was who corrupted the first elves to follow her and become Shadar Kai.

  • Iphine the Radiant Rain and Annarah the Hollow are enemies. For Annarah, Iphine is just a deluded individual who thinks that love is something real. For Iphine, Annarah represents everything she fights against: insensitivity, cruelty, raising the undead...

Tenets of Faith

How to Honor and Increase the Influence of Annara:  
  1. Renounce Mortal Love. Although it is not mandatory, Annara warns of how illusory romantic relationships are and that they are a weakness. Revealing the falsehood behind people who are in love is something that pleases Annara greatly.
  2. Quest for Overcoming Death. The goddess values those who challenge death and seek to overcome it. The faithful are encouraged to explore necromancy and seek means to defy death, whether to resurrect loved ones or to achieve immortality.
  3. Accept Suffering as a Teacher. Those who accept or cause suffering, whether to themselves or to other living beings are greatly valued. Just as she learned from her own suffering, her followers believe that pain is a path to enlightenment.
  4. Prevent souls from reaching the gates of death Imprisoning a soul or resurrecting it is something that pleases this goddess as it is a direct affront to the work of Grikark.
  5. Prevent believers of Grikark Whether through death or by converting them, the followers of Annara and Grikark are in eternal conflict. Thus, it is up to each follower of Annara to contribute to her victory.
How to Dishonor and Diminish the Influence of Annara:
  1. Surrender to Love. Giving in to romantic love and dedicating one's life to a spouse is generally frowned upon by her followers.
  2. Participation in Funeral Rituals. Involvement in rituals of departure from the world of the living, such as funerals, is considered a dishonor to the goddess. Such rituals weaken the connection with Annara, as they represent acceptance of death rather than its overcoming.
  3. Help a soul pass the gates of death. Whether the soul wants it or not, it is the function of Annara's believers to diminish the domain of death. Therefore, helping a soul find its way to the afterlife is expressly prohibited.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nara was a powerful sorceress who fell madly in love with an elf while she was alive. They lived together for 10 years, during which Nara devoted herself body and soul to her beloved, even when he was afflicted by a disease that eventually led to his death...

  Devastated, Nara decided to spend the rest of her life defying the order of the world, she would bring him back, no matter the cost... She fought and struggled to become stronger, navigating the worlds of shadows, through libraries in the corners of the world, and through ruins never explored... Until she eventually achieved what she wanted, a way to open the desired portal to the gates of Grikkar... She would have to sacrifice the group with whom she had lived all this time... And so she did... With the departure of her colleagues, she also left in search of her husband through the realms of death where no living being is supposed to wander...

    After encountering many forgotten ones and passing the gate that gave access to her beloved's afterlife, she found him... In the midst of a promiscuous event... He was surrounded by several women and men... Nara felt empty, but still hopeful she offered to take him away from that filthy place, something he promptly refused, having confessed that he had already betrayed her multiple times in life and was tired of pretending to feel anything for her. Nara was shattered...

  The pain was too much for her to bear... She began to remember everything she had lived with him, and how blind she had been... She began to hurt herself, pulling out clumps of hair with every memory that reminded her of how blind and stupid she had been. Every caress she gave was coldly returned; every compliment met with a derogatory comment; every care, a felt emptiness... He was always there without being there... And this pain, now impossible to ignore, made her realize... That the only company she really had was this pain that she never stopped to listen to…

  But now, Nara listened... And knew what she could do... She got up as they turned their backs and went their way without looking back... With a gesture of magic, Nara rid herself of her beautiful hair, the hair she styled every day for her husband... Determined and without speaking, she began to cast magic in his direction who mocked and tried to resist, saying that she would never have power over him and that he would punish her and put her in line... But Annara was no longer the same, neither in strength nor in spirit... She easily subdued him, and when he begged for mercy, he heard a "no...". She shaped the soul of her ex-husband into a removable black rose, she would make him spend eternity in her hand, trapped, powerless. But she did not do it for revenge, she did it because he had to suffer to learn...

  She picked up the rose and set off in the direction from where she came, gathering along the way a great force of souls that wanted to return to their lives. Together they fought against the forces of the plane where her husband resided, as well as those of the gates of death of this world. Annara managed to return to life, resurrected the colleagues she had sacrificed, and arranged new bodies for the souls that had helped on her return.
Comming back to life without the aid of a mortal was a feat never before seen or achieved before, and also the greatest defeat of Grikark of the Death Gates until then, who despite appearing calm, his subjects are dedicated to thwarting Annara's plans. Annara began to listen to herself more, death, the love for her husband, and the betrayal she had towards her companions were the things that made her suffer the most in this world... She listened... She saw... She would do something to stop it...

  With all her knowledge of souls and necrotic energies, she corrupted the pure elves of Kron by linking them to the energies and without the deceptive beauty of their progenitors, thus forming the first shadar kai and the realms of shadows. But Annara was not satisfied...

  She knew that to really end death, she ironically had to leave the realm of the living first... On a night of a full moon, all her subjects began a ritual like never before seen, the moon turned bluish and the veil between the world of the living and the dead became thinner... Bathed in that light, Annara's body dissolved along with the rose of her husband...

  From this event, Annara and her disciples have been preventing souls from normally progressing to the gates of death, actively encouraging the resurrection of people and spreading the importance of suffering and that it must be embraced to learn and not ignored... Regarding her husband, some say that Annara eventually released him, others argue that she keeps him in her hand, never letting go. The black rose has become a symbol for her followers, "we can only ignore the pain up to a certain limit... So why not learn from it right away?"
"To love someone, is to fool oneself"
"Through suffering, one understands the reality of this world"
"Dead if for the meak, we control death"