Backgrounds Kaisushiro

Background Ideas for Players in Kaisushiro

These are just some ideias to spark creativity. Feel free to create your own or to mix things up ^^

Spiritual backgrounds

1) Summoner or Shaman
As a summoner or shaman, you dedicate your life to protecting the people around you from malevolent spirits. Using your spiritual knowledge and abilities, you maintain balance and peace within your community, often acting as a mediator between the physical and spiritual worlds.   2) Meyo Aro Summoner in Training
You are in training to become a Meyo Aro Summoner, a prestigious and sacrificial role destined to prevent the return of Jenoxiel. Your journey involves mastering the eight celestial summons by passing the trials of each sacred temple, a path fraught with danger and immense responsibility.   3) Belonging to a Summoner Temple
You are a devoted member of a specific summoner temple, granting you access to the powers and teachings of the Kami revered there. This affiliation shapes your abilities and your mission, as you strive to uphold the temple's values and protect its secrets.   4) Member of the Order of Shadow Conjurers
You belong to a secretive order that harnesses the power of Onis to combat their own kind. While your methods are controversial and often feared, your expertise in using darkness to fight darkness is highly respected and crucial in the ongoing battle against malevolent spirits.   5) Protector of a Summoner
As a dedicated protector, your sole mission is to safeguard your summoner from harm. This role demands unwavering loyalty and exceptional combat skills. Failure to protect your charge means losing your honor and purpose, making your duty a profound responsibility.   6) Seer
Gifted with the ability to see glimpses of the future, you navigate life with visions that may guide or haunt you. Whether this ability is innate or granted by a spirit, your knowledge of potential realities drives you to act, aiming to alter or ensure certain outcomes.   7) Member of a Jenoxiel Cult
Whether you are a current or former member of a cult dedicated to the malevolent deity Jenoxiel the Bringer of Change , your life is deeply entwined with the dark energies and apocalyptic visions promoted by the cult.
If you have broken away, your days are now dedicated to combating the cult's influence, driven by guilt and a newfound purpose to rectify the chaos you once helped spread.
Should you still be a loyal follower, you work tirelessly under the belief that destruction is necessary for rebirth, committing acts that sow discord and chaos to pave the way for Jenoxiel's return. Your actions are fueled by fanatic devotion, and you either seek redemption from or deeper entanglement in the dark fate you believe is inevitable.

Arcane Backgrounds

1) Student at the Sora Jeong Academy
You are a student at the Sora Jeong Academy, a prestigious institution grounded in three pillars of magic: Celestial, Spiritual, and Mysticism.
The Celestial pillar delves into the mysteries of the stars and cosmic forces.
The Spiritual pillar explores the omnipresent spiritual world and its energies.
The Mysticism pillar immerses you in ancient knowledge, arcane rituals, and the esoteric aspects of magic. This rigorous education challenges you to balance these disciplines, preparing you for a life of magical mastery and profound understanding of the world's hidden powers.   2) Aspiring Advisor
Having excelled in your studies at the Sora Jeong Academy, you believe yourself ready to serve as a counselor to the Celestial Rulers. However, to prove your worth and secure such a prestigious position, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge in the real world. Determined to show your capabilities, you seek opportunities to apply your learning in practical scenarios, aiming to influence key decisions and policy through your expertise. Your journey involves navigating complex political landscapes, advising on critical issues, and ultimately earning recognition as a trusted advisor.   3) Lore Master
Driven by a passion for history and knowledge, you are dedicated to documenting the world of Kaisushiro. As a Lore Master, your mission is to uncover lost ruins, record ancient histories, and preserve the knowledge of magical and mundane phenomena alike. Your travels take you across diverse landscapes, from forgotten temples hidden in dense forests to archives in bustling cities. Equipped with a keen eye for detail and a relentless curiosity, you aim to piece together the past and present to provide a comprehensive account of your world’s heritage and mysteries. Your work not only enlightens others but also safeguards the legacy of cultures and civilizations for future generations.

Nature Backgrounds

1) Member of the Genso no Shugosha
As a current or former member of the Genso no Shugosha, you were deeply immersed in protecting Kaizushiro's ecological balance and promoting elemental harmony.
Trained in the druidic arts, you understand the vital connections among all elements of nature. Whether still active in the circle or applying its teachings on your own, your life is dedicated to safeguarding the natural world and maintaining peace across the land.
Your actions continue to be driven by the profound duty to nurture and defend the environment, carrying the tranquility and power of the natural world wherever you go.

Martial Backgrounds

1) Member of a Dojo
Trained in the disciplined environment of a dojo, you have mastered martial arts under the guidance of skilled instructors. You carry the teachings and honor of your dojo into the world, striving to demonstrate the value and discipline of your martial training.

2) Member of a Martial Arts School
You trained at one of Kaizushiro's prestigious martial schools, mastering either the renowned elemental techniques or traditional martial arts. Whether you're still representing your school in competitions or have struck out on your own due to a clash with its values, your martial skills shape your path. The discipline and strength you've honed now guide you as you face the world, ready to prove your worth or redefine your principles.

3) Tsuhou
Infused with the blood and essence of Jenoxiel during your childhood, you possess striking features like white hair and purple eyes, along with formidable mental and physical powers. Tasked by your order to combat Onis and thwart Jenoxiel's spread, you live a life of constant vigilance and sacrifice, often misunderstood and feared by those around you.

4) Protector of a Summoner
As a dedicated protector, your sole mission is to safeguard your summoner from harm. This role demands unwavering loyalty and exceptional combat skills. Failure to protect your charge means losing your honor and purpose, making your duty a profound responsibility.

5) Member of the Genso no Shugosha
As a current or former member of the Genso no Shugosha, you were deeply immersed in protecting Kaizushiro's ecological balance and promoting elemental harmony. Trained in the druidic arts, you understand the vital connections among all elements of nature. Whether still active in the circle or applying its teachings on your own, your life is dedicated to safeguarding the natural world and maintaining peace across the land. Your actions continue to be driven by the profound duty to nurture and defend the environment, carrying the tranquility and power of the natural world wherever you go.

Regional Backgrounds

1) Nomad of Ryuken
Born among the nomadic tribes of Ryuken, you have lived a life of constant movement and adaptation. The recent crises, including Oni attacks and southern invasions, have forced you to leave your tribe in search of stability or a greater purpose, bringing your unique skills and perspectives to the wider world.

2) Member of an Isolated Tribe
You hail from a tribe that remains largely detached from the rest of the world, living in harmony with nature in remote areas such as mountains, dense forests, or expansive plains. Your background provides you with unique skills and perspectives, shaped by a life close to the natural world. 3) Outsider
You hail from a distant land, drawn to Kaizushiro with a specific purpose that anchors every step you take. As an outsider, your interactions are tinged with both curiosity and suspicion, compelling you to navigate social landscapes carefully to fulfill your mission without upsetting the delicate balance of this foreign land. Your path not only tests your adaptability but also enriches your understanding of a world vastly different from your own. (Neighbouring countries: Onkeanis] onkeanis @[Brandia )   4) Iron Country Infiltrator
You are a covert agent from the Iron Country, secretly embedded in Kaizushiro. Your mission is critical and varies from assassination of key figures, intelligence gathering, espionage, to sowing discord among the ranks of your unsuspecting hosts. Trained extensively in the arts of stealth, deception, and combat, you navigate through the shadows of this foreign land, always careful to maintain your cover. Your presence in Kaizushiro is a delicate dance of duplicity, balancing your assignments with the daily challenges of blending into a society that, if your true identity were known, would be openly hostile. Every interaction and decision could either advance your mission or lead to your undoing.  


1) Crafting Master
Driven by a passion for creation, you are dedicated to mastering the craft of producing exceptional items. Whether you seek rare resources, ancient recipes, or innovate your own techniques, your goal is to create objects of great beauty and utility, leaving a lasting legacy.   2) Member of a Criminal Syndicate
You were once entrenched in the underbelly of Kaizushiro as a member of a notorious criminal syndicate. Whether you are still active in the dark dealings of the group or have since severed your ties, your past (or present) is marked by your involvement in a range of illicit activities—from smuggling and theft to more severe crimes.  
The following are ideas on how the mechanics of each class can be associated with an organization, profession, or how they might interact with the world. These are just suggestions to spark your creativity, and as I always say, feel free to change the description of your class or spells as long as the effect/damage remains the same. For example, you could take the rogue class and, through your description, make it seem like a mage who summons magical swords and throws them at enemies. That’s totally fine with me, and in that case, your character would actually feel more like a mage and recognized in the world as one even though its official class is rogue, I love that. But back to the matter at hand, here are just some suggestions associated with the traditional terms. Feel free to twist and turn them however you like.  


Barbarians are rare in Kaisushiro, but those who exist often come from the remote, untamed regions, where the influence of Kamis is weaker. Some barbarians channel their inner fury from ancient beast spirits or wild primal forces that existed before the Kami took dominance. These barbarians might serve as protectors of isolated villages or as wandering warriors, feared for their connection to these older, untamed powers.


Bards are uncommon but vital as preservers of stories and spiritual histories. They may focus on recounting the great deeds of Summoners or Kamis, using their songs and poems to pass on these legends. Some bards serve in temples, keeping records through music and oral traditions, while others roam the land, gathering and sharing tales of heroism and tragedy. Their magic often draws from the power of words and melodies rather than any specific deity or spirit.


Clerics receive blessings from the Great Kami of their temple, using them in a magical, spiritual manner. Unlike paladins, who channel these blessings into martial combat, clerics serve as conduits for Kami power, invoking blessings to heal, protect, and purify. They are essential in keeping the spiritual balance of Kaisushiro, using their magic to cleanse corrupted areas and grant divine protection to their allies. But what if you were a cleric who channeled the energy or blessings of an Oni instead of a Kami? That would certainly give a darker twist to the typical role of a cleric.


Druids in Kaisushiro are typically members of the Genso no Shugosha, dedicated to maintaining the balance of nature and the elements. They are deeply connected to Kamis of nature, and their magic reflects this bond. Druids protect sacred groves, forests, and natural landmarks from corruption, using their powers to restore harmony and keep the natural world safe from the influence of Onis and other malevolent spirits.


Fighters are versatile and can be found across Kaisushiro, whether trained in martial schools or self-taught as mercenaries. They may serve as temple guards, military leaders, or even lone wanderers seeking honor through combat. Many fighters specialize in weapon mastery, while others incorporate magical techniques, such as using enchanted weapons or drawing on elemental energies, to enhance their combat abilities.


Monks in Kaisushiro often belong to specific dojos, with an ongoing rivalry between them. Annually, these dojos compete to prove their superiority in martial arts. Elemental monks can also be found within the ranks of the Genso no Shugosha, and many believe that this organization is where elemental monks originated. Monks train rigorously, mastering both their physical prowess and their connection to natural elements, using them in harmony during combat.


Paladins are warriors who channel the blessings of the Great Kami of their temple into martial combat. Rather than drawing power from a deity, they use the energy of the Kami they serve, empowering them to protect their people and fight against Onis. Paladins are highly respected for their spiritual devotion and martial prowess, often seen as the shields of Kaisushiro’s spiritual balance. And who’s to say you can’t be a paladin who channels the energy or blessings of an Oni instead? That would lead to an entirely different kind of warrior, but it’s an intriguing possibility.


Rangers in Kaisushiro may form pacts with guardian spirits, allowing them to summon these entities to aid them in battle, much like beastmasters. Some might call upon ethereal animals or elementals to assist them. Traditional rangers also exist, serving as hunters, trackers, and ruin explorers. They possess a deep understanding of both the wilderness and the spirits that inhabit it, making them vital protectors of the land and its people.


Rogues in Kaisushiro are often spies, thieves, or assassins, utilizing their skills for various ends. Some work in the shadows, infiltrating enemy temples or stealing ancient relics. Others serve noble families or act as mercenaries for hire, navigating the dark alleys of Kaisushiro’s cities or the secret passageways of its temples. Rogues might use magical techniques to enhance their stealth, from cloaking themselves in shadows to summoning spectral weapons.


Sorcerers are typically born with the power of Kamis or Onis, though some rare individuals may have magic originating from other magical creatures like phoenixes or dragons. These sorcerers possess an innate magical ability that sets them apart, making them both feared and respected in Kaisushiro. Their powers might manifest in destructive spells or spiritual blessings, depending on the source of their magic, and they often have a unique connection to the spiritual forces that influence Kaisushiro.


Warlocks form contracts with powerful entities in exchange for magical power. These entities could be Kamis, ancient mages, oceanic creatures, or even malevolent spirits. The bond between a warlock and their patron can vary greatly, from a benevolent spirit granting healing magic to a darker entity providing destructive abilities. Warlocks walk a fine line between serving their patron and pursuing their own goals, and their pact often dictates much of their journey.


Wizards are scholars of magic, typically trained in prestigious academies. They are not inherently tied to Kamis or Onis, but rather to the study of arcane knowledge. Many wizards serve as advisors to noble rulers, offering wisdom and magical expertise. Others travel the world in search of ancient tomes, magical artifacts, or lost knowledge, gathering in teahouses to discuss their findings or unravel the mysteries of Kaisushiro’s history.